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how do you stay awake when you have to fix your sleep


File: 1600598878856.png (138 KB,600x600,1548119115655.png) iqdb

If you stay awake through the initial period of tiredness, you will catch your "second wind" and then just feel really bad but be able to stay up for another 12 hours or so.

Fast pace competitive video games really help, like Overwatch, CSGO, or Valorant.


You don't, you wear yourself out and go to bed early instead. You wind your sleep schedule backwards a few hours at a time over several days until it's at a sensible point. This is more gradual, it's easier on your body and it's more likely your body will adopt it as a regular schedule. You'll also be more productive and get things done, like vacuuming your stinky NEET room.

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