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Kill me


I wish I still lived with my mom. That way at least my rent money would be going to her instead of my current landlord. And it would be a lot nicer place to live than the few apartments that are reasonably priced and available in my town. It's also very quiet at her house and I could sleep in every day if I wanted to.


The nuclear family was always absurd. Irish and Italians never had that issue, nor many Asians. Having an actual family to rely on financially lowers your risk of debt and increases your net income, given that you're financially prudent. Granted, that depends on the individual. Plus, it gives your children more friends to play with and more role models to look up to. And it's harder for a parent to rape or abuse them when you have other adults in your presence.

The concept of nuclear families is peculiar, because it's this weird, insectoid manifest destiny thing where you spread out as thin as possible at the detriment of the family life and leisure, like some awful political duty. And it's not just political in the sense that propaganda wrapped their serpent arm around America's conception of family life: it's this revision of what the public understands as a traditional family. It's crazy that politicians can actually cite nuclear monogamy as traditional, because it overwrites a much more traditional interpretation of the family unit. Ask an Italian/Irish kid to draw their family, they'll draw their parents, siblings, cousins, grandarents, uncles, aunts, many of whom may not live with them but play a major part in their life. You don't need a perfect father for a son if he has his uncles and grandfathers to look up to, too. That's probably why propagandists effaced those relatives from the public repertoire: inconvenient for their agenda.


Italians became white washed and act like American retards with the Boomer generation you retarded whitoid, and Asian Americans Force their children to be doctors and shit and threaten them much worse than nuclear families if they don't achieve prestigious careers

You are such a stupid low iq white fucktard. Put a literal bullet thru your skull


I don't think you know what nuclear family means.


I don't think you know anything about Italian or Asian culture you retarded wh*toid


Yes, but those are seperate issues, still idiomatic to their respective ethnicities. You can also have big families that condone systemic rape and abuse. I mean that larger families are better-equiped to deal with issues that afflict nuclear (e.g. a father, mother, and children) families which Americans tend to ascribe as unfixable. For example, a woman isn't necessarily forced to live with her abusive spouse if she isn't financially dependant on him. I would argue that single motherhood is an inexorable effect of this kind of nuclear monogamy. You can argue about cultural values and so on as the reason why divorces happen, but I don't think anything explains the US's 50% divorce rate effectively beyond the prospect that this issue is an inherent consequence of nuclear monogamy's design.




>Italians became white washed
Are you being sarcastic here or are you proving the legendary stereotype that all shitskins are indeed low IQ?
If anything I do know Italians are ugly niggers and Asians are limp dick bugmen.


Are you saying you're Italian you retarded fuck? Italians aren't white but they became white washed, how is that hard to understand you worthless incel loser


You are one retarded nigger, Asians and Italians still do the nuclear family tradition, the Asians forcing their children into careers thing is literally a part of the nuclear family considering that Asian Americans parents will still have control of their children even when they're adults which is something that almost all nuclear family follow behind or want to do. Italians have never been boomer'd or whatever your retarded ass think they were, as a matter of fact Italian niggers were one of the reasons why America's tradition of the family has changed in the first place, considering Jew York has become one of the liberal shitholes to exist with Italian Americans being one of the richest within the state.


>Are you saying you're Italian you retarded fuck?
>Italians have been white washed
>Incel loser
!0/10 you made me reply anon good troll.


Kill yourself actual retarded wh*toid


You didn't even read any of my posts you dumb fuck you're literally repeating what I said about Asians, and again you don't know any Italians you fucking brain dead loser virgin


>You didn't even read any of my posts you dumb fuck you're literally repeating what I said about Asians,
No I didn't refer back to your dumb post you retarded nigger
>Asian Americans Force their children to be doctors and shit and threaten them much worse than nuclear families.
This implies that nuclear families don't control their children's careers or are somehow different than Asians Americans. Maybe you should learn to choose your words wisely instead of being straightforwardly low IQ.
> and again you don't know any Italians
Except I do, considering that most of my friends are of Italian descent and half of them live in a nuclear family household while the others live in a liberal household.


Nuclear white retard families don't force their kids to be high achievers and don't choose their kids careers you dumb fuck genetic failure

Your friends are like 1/8 Italian they are not Italian you stupid fucking loser.

Most Italians from Italy came to Brooklyn during the greatest generation and their kids were second generation raised as boomers and turned into American retards during that time

Just kill yourself you actual room temp iq virgin


>Nuclear white retard families don't force their kids to be high achievers and don't choose their kids careers you dumb fuck genetic failure
Yes they do you dumb retard, boomers were the that generation who were encouraged to go into high achieveing fields in the 1950s, you literally have no idea what the fuck you are talking you cuckchan retard.
>Most Italians from Italy came to Brooklyn during the greatest generation and their kids were second generation raised as boomers and turned into American retards during that time
Most Italians in Brooklyn were also either liberal or turning liberal. If you're done trolling with plebbit spacing you can fuck off back redditchan and be a retarded shitskin there.


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Also there were already plenty of Italians in America way before the boomer generation even started. They had already assimilated and changed America's culture with the whole prohibition shit along with Italian mafias sucking off Jews and working with them. This has been happening since the early 1900s-1930s who all left Italy for America for various reasons. Acting like a spergy shitskin who has taken too many HRT pills is not going to make you look smarter faggot.


Hard facts thread.


No, most Asians rely on Confucianism. Ugh, whatever. There's no point since you're clearly confusing me with the other guy.


>No, most Asians rely on Confucianism. Ugh, whatever. There's no point since you're clearly confusing me with the other guy.
Not that anon, but you're obviously the same fucking guy and you're not even trying at this point. You do realize that most Asians don't even use confucianism, nor are all of them confucian niggers right? Atheists in China can even get into the whole nuclear family shit and some Asian Americans are mostly Christians, while still keeping their family household tradition, no matter what religion they convert to. Koreans are mostly Christians and they still practice their hold household values from the past. You literally have no idea of what you're talking about and honestly suck dick at trolling.


I'm literally not that guy, though. And you're honestly just as confused as he is.

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