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Kind of ironic, considering that mysticism tends to reduce Christianity to its Hebrew roots. I used to have a friend who was a mason. They were both gnostics, essentially; especially his wife, who was a Gnostic buddhists whose interpretation resembled that of Brahamin more than Mahayana. She basically said something to the effect of, "Idols like Buddha and Jesus are basically one and the same", basically the precursors of Jungian mysticism. Stark contrast to my grandmother, her friend, who was more of an empty throne Buddhist (basically the wooden bench protestant of Eastern theology).

For example, contrast the mainline Shin Megami Tensei games with the classic (e.g. Innocent Sin) Persona games. The former superficially procures Christian iconography, sperstition, but basically reduces it to its mythology (sans sentiment). Whereas, in Innocent Sin, its representation of Christianity is so thematically consummate. The plot twist of Marie's immolation and faux-miraculous survival, an allusion to Christ's crucifixion is quintessentially Christian. Persona is just so much better at representing Christian themes better than mainline SMT, even though they draw from the same mythological pool. It represents the difference between Christianity and Judaism.


how did you make friends witha mason


is this pasta? i didnt know anyone on what knew about this stuff, jung is basically my grandfather and mentor since 2008 wheen i was 20


wow now i want to play innocent sin. isn't it on psp? i thought it was only released in japan.


Yeah, I think it's only on PSP. I can't recall if there's a remake or not, that might have just been for P1. It's more of a personal favorite than all that good. The writing is abrasive compared to its sequel, although still has the depth you'd expect from classic persona. It's about as painful as you'd expect for SMT in terms gameplay, though. But I forgive it because the themeing is very appealing to the apocalyptic fundamentalist me.
His wife was friends with my grandmother. He was also my employer for some time. Masons are actually pretty common – in the USA, at least. There's a lodge for every city pretty much. All you really have to do to join is to literally just ask and memorize a lot of banal shit. I knew some kids in the DeMolay, and I went to a trashy public school. My employer was a good man, but I've seen a lot of masons who are just trashy scumbags, not even that affluent. I never joined because I don't agree with the Masons religiously. They're the epitome of mysticism, and I think that's un-Christian. Not that I'm Christian. I just don't like the Templar's hypocrisy.
Ironically, Persona leans pretty heavy on psychoanalysis. I think it's good in the context of art, but there's no place for psychoanalysis in real-world applications – even counseling. Although, I'm more partial to Freud and Lacan than to Jung. Jung has the stank of Ayn Rand impersonators. And also Myers-Briggs. Yuck


i think the meyers briggs is retarded and so do a lot who like jung, idk wtf you're on about ayn rand. don't watch jordan peterson he doesn't know anything about jung. where do you get ayn rand from wtf


wbhats hypocritical about templars

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