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File: 1599238847011.webm (1.88 MB,960x1200,1599000743386.webm) iqdb




There is no way these creatures are from Earth.




Just look at it.


me when my mom says the spaghetti is ready


🐙 💨



whyd you tell him


Why would anyone assume this is fake?

An octopus on a beach isn't exactly something weird. It's weirder that this is actually 3D animation.


you can tell by the pixels if you have a high iq


Now you're just copying what I said to you on gnfos when you thought this was real.


Wait so you thought it was real too? Haha owned fag. And you didn't say high iq. But I thought the motion and stuff looked off and weird but assumed that's how 🐙 move


I was the one who said "fake" and then you called me a retard.


Then why are you saying no one can assume it's fake


You're talking to two different people.

But no one said that exact quote autismo.


Fuck you you didn't know it was fake


Yes I did, I've been watching a lot of Captain Disillusion on youtube so I know what's fake and what's real.

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