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The next time you spam my site while I'm asleep I'm going to range ban every single address range you've ever posted from.


You are so fucking mad right now


you already did that, because he already did that all the time, and yet you unbanned him

so even if you do that, you're just gonna unban him again eventually

just shut the site down you fucking turbo retard I can't believe how someone can be this much of a retarded, shit admin he gets his whole site killed by one mentally ill turd who only posts here because he's literally banned from everywhere else


He's not banned from gnfos.


Who hurt you🤣🤣🤣🤣


Bro you can do your tranny pedophile erp posts on tp you don't need the whole images board to yourself🤣🤣🤣🤣 have some consideration and share lol


His posts get deleted sometimes on gnfos, but I don't think T realizes that all of the shizo posts come from the same person


T knows me since 2013 he just doesn't care he's ironic about everything you uptight pedophile cry more


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Tea sees his IP addresses.

Trust me he knows 100% when it's him or not.

And I delete more of this retard's threads than Tea.


Stop calling me a retard to get approval from your trannies you incel


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WWE was a psyop


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pretty sure trevor doesn't give enough of a fuck to memorize individual ip ranges, when he actually can be arsed to moderate his site he mass deletes his posts all the time- not because he knows who he is but because his posts are all invariably fucking garbage

but what does it matter either way? why keep such an unbearably obnoxious freak around at all? why go out of your way to manually delete his threads every day instead of simply rangebanning him? you even implemented a post timer solely because of his spam for fucks sake

even after you delete some of his threads don't you realize he still accounts for most of the sites traffic, and even when he isn't mindlessly spamming pages worth of threads all he's capable of is schizophrenic rambling about his garbage life or brainless, bitter, vitriolic shitposting

so why? it's just so incomprehensible to me why would you kill your site over such a horrible, universally despised subhuman


Yeah if anything the post timer affects all of us here and I can't even argue properly because of it. This really was the nail in the coffin for me.


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>I can't even argue properly because of it.

When was the last time either of you wanted to make 2 posts in 60 seconds on any board?

60 seconds is the same timer as 4chan btw unless you buy a 4chan pass I think.


that's not the point, you idiot, the point is that you implemented something that effects everyone because of a single user

address the rest of my post you fucking coward


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It's to stop spam attacks from anyone really.

I'm sorry but it's a reality that some "people", not just him, would spam literally hundreds of threads otherwise.

I'm sorry /what/ is so bad, I try to make it better.



>When was the last time either of you wanted to make 2 posts in 60 seconds on any board?

All the time I get cock blocked by it.

It's like I can't have a conversation because I have to wait a whole minute before I can speak again.

I don't post on 4chan. It's 1-2 users that spam your board and you care enough to follow their ips. If you were smart. You would limit thread creation, not posts in the same thread. It's spamming multiple threads that is the problem. Like look how himasugi works. I don't get why you have such an honor code to babysit these "people" by being a janny to their threads and not just banning them.


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do it again he cant tell you what to do


>You would limit thread creation, not posts in the same thread.

Believe it or not, I don't think vichan has this feature, I looked before.


whatmin is there any way you can reset the timer when you delete a post? I sometimes mess up and delete the post and then I have to wait forever jus to correct a typo


Rent free inside your low iq tranny head forever


That's not true Trevor got really mad and banned a specific user called Anthony who was a literal 16 year old otateen and tenor went out of his way to rangeban and semi dox him. He doesn't mind me cuz I'm an oldfag hopeless incel and the same age as him


Considering when his posts get deleted and when T posts, I think a lot more get deleted by casbah than by T himself


Just say"why can't what be a tranny erp only board I want the site to be just for me and my pedophile buddies to be degenerate together no sharing!!!"


T is on the site all the time dumbass and he doesn't do shit cuz he doesn't care he even posts with a different style all lowercase sometimes so it doesn't look like him. Casbah is the only one who deletes my posts and it's not cuz he personally hates me and I live rent free in his head like I do for your toxic hateful self but he only d+++ all posts from ips that post 3d many are not mine. He doesn't care if I shit posts with anime pics you hateful bitter incel. I actually intentionally post 3d when I want all my posts deleted from an IP because I don't like some of my blog posts on the internet and am too lazy to manually delete them. I even ask whatmins to delete my threads sometimes but he doesn't

Tldr I will always live rent free in your head. I was in the ICU for a month and didn't post anywhere but you guys still we complaining about your personal Boogeyman spamming

Even when I'm dead you'll always be obsessed with my memory what you project onto me is actually the toxic misery you hate about yourself


It's really weird how he always claims to not be mad and be the one in others heads when he autistically multi-replies to singular posts pointing out how hes an insane retard.
And how he claims to be winning at life when he posts nonstop between the hours of 6pm and 10am.



i like this video so much i saved it like 7 times in total


You're still talking about me and I like the attention. You make long blog posts about me cuz you're obsessed with me I'm always gonna be here inside your head even when I'm dead in your head in your head zombie zombie zombie lololol


Exactly, he doesn't give a fuck. And my threads are the main thing that gave him tangents to talk about when he reviews


i really dont think about you though other than when i want to go have fun on 'insert site here' and i see you shat it up
and i go 'oh i wanted to have fun today, that sucks'
then i just go to some other site…


Uh huh you literally cry about me in entire paragraphs ruining your tranny erp club just go to tp but you can't cuz you're obsessed with me


Where is simpsons spammer? He's a real man who has the backbone to clean up this shit.


Wym he ain't a Jenny and he's the second best poster here after me


finish him off shitmin



You gonna cry fag tranny


uhh not that anon but what's tp?


/Tranny pedophiles/ a hidden board


bery good post that channels early whatfriend spirit


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( >,<)


wibbly wobbly whatfriend ~(>,<)~


remember the good old days when the resident schizo wasn't so mean and rude


hes sliding


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Just letting you know I can simply D++ all those posts now.

So it doesn't bother me. If you see spam it will all be gone by the time I wake up.


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Shut up homo

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