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File: 1597876107994.jpeg (577.75 KB,1200x1600,1C07556A-C5DC-4455-B88A-D….jpeg) iqdb



Now that anime is normie territory stuff like this won't be allowed in future series.


File: 1597876687467.jpg (49.91 KB,599x480,image0.jpg) iqdb

I fucking hate Instagram.

Terrible unusable website design, infinite scroll bullshit, can't find anything.

And the worst is that you can only view about 10 images on the website now or else it asks you to login.

And they won't let me sign up with my tutanota email or throwaway email they actually require your botnet gmail like gmail

Seriously, go fuck yourself Instagram/Zuckerjew


Yeah it sucks and they have a profile on me that they sell to three letter cults idk why all my zoomer normie friends love it

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