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"The sacrifice is critical in the process of rebirth, for the simple reason that often what keeps us locked in our problems is the inability to recognize that ways of life that served us in our past may morph from promoters of our well-being, to the acute cause of our suffering."


I sold my link at 4 dollars in June and it 5x right after


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cant stop thinking about this
my "savior" job now feels oppressive and many of the same anxieties i had when neet have returned
i havent improved as a person, just spent 8 hours of the day selling my labour
in fact arguably im worse than ive ever been
enthusiasm and a positive outlook has given way to quiet desperation


I'm sacrificing my life to save my life


Suck it up, cupcake!



Quit your whining, and get back to work, you little bitch!



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i'll show you fags

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