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Post your guy's ifunnys so I can sub to them


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where is FB_I MG_-chan


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How do I make these


Is that site really like that? Sounds like 4chan


oh man I love EDM parties


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If you go outside of featured, yes, it is very much like that. There's a legitimate community there and it's mostly filled with /pol/ schizos and closet gays. And zoomer humor, don't forget the zoomer humor. You know these gifcaptions that have been popping up recently? These come from ifunny.



What are examples of zoomer humour



So it's just noon sequitur the same thing millennials laughed at on adult swim when they were teens


Actual zoomer here. Here's my autistically detailed description of zoomer humor:
Zoomer humor is a combination of late 2000s/early 2010s nostalgia, surrealism, randomness, and sometimes a hint of creepiness. It both makes fun of the cringy impact font advice animal memes and rage comics we used to laugh at unironically back in 2011 when we were in middle school, but it also celebrates them. That is why a lot of zoomer memes rely a lot on nostalgia. And as for why they are so weird, my guess is that it was destined to happen. Early 2000s internet memes were pretty weird, especially the ones from YTMND, (I've seen some zoomer memes that wouldn't look too out of place on YTMND or the /f/lash board on 4chan), but then around 2010 (which is around the time when most zoomers started using the internet), memes turned into the more "serious" and "relatable" type, the shit you find on boomer facebook, so I guess memes turning back into the surreal mess that they are now was just sort of destined to happen and is sort of a repeat of the early 2000s. Some other common tropes besides the surrealism and nostalgia is political extremism, irony, child-like immature humor, and geek culture shit (anime, video games, ect.). If you wanna find peak zoomer humor then you'll have to make an account on ifunny and instagram and follow the big name accounts. Ifunny has @linustechtipsfanpage, @funnyinternetman, @amerikaner, and many more. Instagram has @largetrap, @big_headass_nigga, @humanity.gone26, @bruhloon, @professionalretard.mp4, @nitro.if and many many more.

>So it's just noon sequitur the same thing millennials laughed at on adult swim when they were teens

pretty much

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