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whatbirl after a deito


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whatbirl being pumped….


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….and whatbirl being dumped…

don't forget! whatbirls are disposable, after you've been satisfied you should always discard the spent whatbirl and get a new one next time!




That's a really cute outfit.


Protip: the sex part counts as a part of the date, you virgin faggot loser nigger pedophile


it's ok!
/what/birls are fine with being alone and frenless and only being used as meat sextoys by men who want nothing but their boypussies


This is allowed but fagmin deletes my threads…


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It's confirmed whatmin likes small white feminine penises.




leaving your /what/birl out on the cold hard streets without even letting them clean themselves first


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Giving them a cloak and bringing them back inside.


this is pedophilia


As accepted from these degenerates.


15 is the age of consent in my area.


So what you're still a pedo


can't you see she's in ecstasy


I know.


The prospect of a younger boy wanting an older man escapes them something that happens all the time in real life, I had a crush on my teacher at age 15 he was in his 30's at least


Also no nothing happened closest thing was when he played with my long hair in the football field that was nice.


>when he played with my long hair in the football field
WTF????? Teachers don't play with students' hair, that's fucked. He was literally grooming you.

Also yeah, i was pretty gay for my sports teacher back in school.


Boys in their teens are horny as fuck it's still abuse


Oh I know but I didn't care I felt safer and happier around him than anyone in my age group.
All depends on context of the relationship and the framed mind with the involved parties.




The older person always has the power you dumb pedo


It literally is grooming though pedo


Have you even talked to a kid after you've grown up ? It's pretty apparent they are retarded and easily taken advantage of


Yeah I didn't think I was being abused at 15 until I reached her age and realized how different I was and how childish teens were


I know.
I would hope so kids fucking suck at making choices.


You guys are always justifying it


I literally already said it was literally grooming. Why are you calling me a pedo anyway? I only like men.



i thought you were being sarcastic like you always mock me for being groomed and abused


Don't about him but I was


Uh who are you


The voice in your head that laughs at you.


You're jealous that you're still a virgin and I'm a Chad


Lol virgin




Have sex bro oh wait you never will


wish a whatboy would take me to a love hotel…


Shut up homo


Owned that fucking fag


taking a whatbirl in the backseat of your rental car!!


Are homosexuals not allowed to buy cars?


They shouldn't be


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We can't do that in public. All of /what/ will see


Oh no a fat bastard.


fat bastards always get the birls
how is that?

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