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File: 1595753811027.mp4 (15.04 MB,320x240,Ocean Avenue - a KHII AMV-….mp4) iqdb



Some girl's 2007 Kingdom Hearts II amv with Yellowcard - Ocean Avenue

Channel abandoned since 2008, she has plenty of vids of herself on the channel.

I don't know what to say, feels weird man.


xD A short video including my boyfriend bonding with my dog. Aaand he's not the brightest thing ever, but damn, he's pretty. 8D

JUST KIDDING D: I love him .__. Mine. -possessive hug.-


oshit this song


maybe she's dead


Probably not.

This was before Google even owned Youtube. Lots of people forgot about their accounts, don't know login credentials, and 13 years later that shit you made in middle school is still there.


Google bought YouTube in 2006




Nice, she found a bf who looks exactly like those kingdom hearts characters she likes.

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