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I am poor (and by extension a virgin) because the means of production aren't owned by the proletariat, and because there's no meritocracy in America (I am extremely smart) and not because I dropped out of highschool and did nothing with my life but do drugs and rice my arch installation for a decade.

I wish I was born in North Korea, which is the best country on earth.

If I lived there I am almost certain I'd have a gf because they're communist.


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This is all true except

>because there's no meritocracy in America (I am extremely smart) and not because I…

I'm just unwilling to participate in this capitalist system. If I was willing to try hard despite not having the same level of privilege as others, I could do relatively "fine".

>I am poor (and by extension a virgin)

Literally wouldn't matter if I was 6'3" giga chad with a "great personality". I would not be able to get a female to have sex with me with my current financial status and regional location.

So yes, I am incel solely because of financial status (in my regional location) because if the only about me that changed was I made an average level of income, I would very easily get pussy.


Explain this grave financial situation because it sounds like an excuse. Just how poor exactly are you


Full NEET no car live at mom's house.

If I lived in some trailer park in West Virginia, I could probably get pussy with this level of status.

If I had some sort of social connections for females in a very close vicinity like my neighbors, MAYBE.

But my status makes you effectively 0/10 to literally over 99% of females here, even if you are much more attractive than me.


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you ever try tinder or going outside talking to a female


Yes, no, but please tell me how you think the second option would possibly work.

I've had over 20 girls match me on Tinder (with a real pic of my face and body). They either don't respond or it ends when they learn about my status.

I went on Grindr once with a blank profile and had tons of guys wanting to fuck and even one offering to pay me money.


Imagine getting a job


Imagine wage-slaving for an amount of money that doesn't allow you to live financially independently.

Imagine working 40 hours a week with the ONLY reason being getting access to pussy.

Because that's the only reason I have to get a job. Working 40 hours a week for consistent pussy access.

And yeah, I want that so bad I've actually considered it.


What you tried for like a day and gave up then became a faggot?


Wish I wasn't so shy I had rich gay chads hit on and saying they would take care of me since I have "peak twink aesthetics" but passed them up.


You did good to avoid them. It'd only last a little, they would've dumped you once you were no longer peak twink (got slightly older, or slightly fatter, or stuff).
you should always look for a loving boyfren who loves you a lot for who you are deep down in your kokoro.


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I-I guess.

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