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My Japanese roommate got a antibody kit in Japan and said he didn't have antibodies. That means we didn't have covid when we got sick in December. So you probably didn't get it yet either whatmins


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Wtf does that have to do with me.

All I know is I was sick in January with the symptoms of COVID, and I haven't been sick in several years before that. I caught it from my mom when she brought it home from work where a lot of people were also sick.

So it was very contagious and matched the symptoms of COVID.


We were sick with covid symptoms too but it wasn't really covid


Also others in our Japanese crew got it. And I never get sick so I was like maybe it was but he Posted a pic of the test and said he has no antibodies so you probably just had what we had


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>our Japanese crew


They're exchange students from Japan


I can't believe I didn't have covid


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>our Japanese crew
>They're exchange students from Japan


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>They're exchange students from Japan


Literally none of the actual Japanese people from Japan know anything about anime or like anime. But you're right, the American students studying Japanese are all autistic weebs.

Even one of the female exchange students pointed out that nobody who studies Japanese here is normal, they are all weird people.


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>Literally none of the actual Japanese people from Japan know anything about anime or like anime.

Hiding power level.


No they really don't. The weeb Americans forced them to go see that Raining With You anime movie or wahtever it was called about the rain or some shit and my roommate told me that anime makes otaku culture seem much more popular, because in the movie they go to some otaku manga shop or some shit, but he also appreciated that the movie was almost exactly Tokyo drawn, he said he recognized many parts of Tokyo and he enjoyed that part of the movie.

Still all of the Japanese people said they main characters were selfish and didn't really like the movie.


I also showed them Renai Circulation because one of my Weeb friends who is a otaku weeb cringelord like you couldn't believe they knew nothing about anime culture and was like that's such an iconic song they'll know it, but none of them knew it. My roommate knows about stuff like idols and maid cafes but he has never been there and doesn't have any friends that do. I think he said Akihabara or some shit was like an area desinged just for them.


They played a lot of Japanese pop/rock music and one or two of the songs sounded familiar from anime but I don't remember, and they only knew the songs from listening to music not from anime.


How did you find /what/?


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ok facebook memwe


more lies





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