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File: 1561370247580.jpg (422.16 KB,1080x846,1561362708791.jpg) iqdb


Whatmin likes trashy women


trashy women have tattoos and bad dyed hair
Misato is just a little old


File: 1561382260278.jpg (89.07 KB,566x800,1561371365355.jpg) iqdb

TOO old


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Misato is jealous of young energetic girls like Megumin and Asuka.


File: 1561401123352.jpg (790.61 KB,2874x4097,1561208721971.jpg) iqdb



I want jealous misato to clamp down on my chinpo with her manko


actually asuka is jealous of misato in the anime maybe you should actually watch it sometime


uh yeah I did watch it you fuckjign retard they can be mutually jealous holy fucking shit


wait a second… i'd recognize that effeminate writing style anywhere… it's schizotard! whatmin ban this imbecile immediately!


no I was just parodying him, i made a typo and decided to keep it because it looked like the schizo and I thought it was funny


sure sure, schizo


Misato isn't trash


How is it effeminate


She's not trash

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