[ what / sjis / test-php ]

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The best thing about the racism meme is we get to tell white women to shut the fuck up and know their place and the leftists are all here for it because of their white privilege. You can literally call her out and record her for thinking she has entitlement to anything for being a white woman

I'm so happy even the left is acknowledging that white women are the most privileged people on Earth and telling them to stop bitching is now socially acceptable

Fuck white people


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I've never seen a Jeopardy question like this.

What is niggers?


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Are you posting it so we can laugh at the literal down syndrome retard who is a cop


Mostly for the blackface but yes..


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The racist devs who did that need to be tortured and set on fire


based zoomers


what kinda name is Donald Mustard lmao yeah I'll have some McDonald's Mustard on that hahah


It's sad watching a literal freak of nature virgin try to look cool anonymously to other freak of nature virgins who other otherwise get laughed at in the real world.




Good for them

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[ what / sjis / test-php ]