[ what / sjis / test-php ]

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File: 1594198826471.png (148.32 KB,360x500,template.png) iqdb


im looking for an obscure ttk edit where he is placed into a 15th century painting of the martyrdom of saint erasmus
his two friends are also included
would have been posted to 8ch around 2018

at the time i was a rather prolific producer of clever travis edits but did not bother to save any, considering them to be ephemeral


I didn't save any of these but the board was pretty funny


I was there somewhere when this became a meme but I never considered it funny and never saved any


File: 1594209201682.jpg (121.82 KB,814x1000,sample-73944dafe72db24654f….jpg) iqdb

Is this like JustinRPG?

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[ what / sjis / test-php ]