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Whatmins do you still support pigs


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I've seen many of these cops murdering white people videos.

Yes it absolutely pisses me off that these never get any media coverage, no riots, or public awareness.

Who controls the media and why do they only want the public to think this happens to black people?


Jewish bankers and it's to cause division cuz if we team up against them we will kill them all. Pol used to be anti police, the Chris dorner saga was literally my favorite time on Pol and he was a hero to them. But once blm started it became white vs black and they were like well we're white so we side with the white guys I.e cops. The same thing happened in the riots, they blamed white antifa or Nazis and the blacks and whites split up.

The most powerful tool they have over us is identity politics (((racism))). Keeping you in a lower vibration victim complex destroys your energy and power and they keep control over the population.
The goal is chaos out of order, once the economy collapses real riots will happen and the new currency and bioterrorism surveillance and martial law will be the norm in the new normal age


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These are both different people what's the point


Protesting is now an Approved Activity, as long as you continue to protest the things that don't matter to Them.


rainbow capitalism

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