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some loser on wizchan said he wants to hear this when he dies lmao


You are a lesser being than him, what's your point?


Nah I'm not. But you're lesser than me or him lol




cope more incel LOL im 6'1"


for the sake of your fragile ego, don't come to Europe


im still above average in europe, cry more manlet incel LOL


Pajeet the delusional midget


cope wh*te boi


imagine being so much of a loser that your only cope was being slightly over 6ft tall.



Not wh*te….



"An Indian study of 500 men ages 18 to 60 published in the International Journal of Impotence Research found flaccid, stretched and erect length to be 8.21 cm (3.23 in), 10.88 cm (4.28 in) and 13.01 cm (5.12 in), respectively"

"One study analysing the self-reported Kinsey data set found that the average penis of a homosexual man was larger than the average penis of their heterosexual counterparts (6.32 inches [16.05 cm] in length amongst gay men versus 5.99 in [15.21 cm] in heterosexuals."


Yes you are
Still bigger than yours beta incel LOL


No, I'm not.

Also 6 5'

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