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 No.20[Last50 Posts]

This is the official (snowstorm edition) /what/ blog thread. If you have something to say but don't want to make a thread for it…


Are you in the southern Earth?


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I'm trying to give each blog thread a theme and this one is snow. Snow is fun but if you stay in it too long it gets very cold. You can warm up with a warm drink like hot chocolate or tea.


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Someone in Dhaka tried to login to my Redacted account.

Why tho? If he wants in he can just take the test.


Gib invite plx.


We lost all the whomo Dani cummer and bp pics.


tasty period blood


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There needs to be government legislation to expand the population of gothic lolitas


cummed 3 times yesterday
also whatman, whenever I expand an image with the dork as my soul theme it makes the thread background white


File: 1561045553994.jpg (237.16 KB,1000x1377,1561042241327.jpg) iqdb

Probably a browser cache problem. Try ctrl+f5.

I actually modified the old dork as my soul theme, this one has a cockroach background on it now.

Thanks for submitting a bug report, I will fix this.


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>Try ctrl+f5.
I'm phoneposting


oh and it's fixed now I just had to change the theme and change back

unless you fixed it


I just changed the dork as my soul theme back to the way it was.

I didn't/couldn't fix the theme being cache'd weird for you.


Pretty sure there's no snow in the south unless you're in the south pole


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Dude are you in oppaitime?


There's penguins that live in Argentina and Brazil.


Yes and I have invites.


Can you invite me? I'm the guy who invited you to jpopsuki. *t*yuki.


Sent ;)


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Hotaru is a birl ??


It snows in New Zealand and on the southern tip of Argentina. Also it snows in a lot of the taller mountain ranges in the southern hemisphere even when the rest of the country doesn't receive snowfall, like some of the mountains in Australia and South Africa.


I give /what/ zero out of 10.



can i really get paid thousands of dollars for old men to use my bp




Fag shit


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Do you think Kuro ever goes out and attacks random people when she gets horny?


No, whomos and whatbirls aren't as highly valued as real deal girls.


Good man


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/what/ i found another /what/ image for /what/



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This is even worse than what it was before, fix it whabmin.


File: 1561119705224.jpg (460.71 KB,1080x1920,Screenshot_20190621-142031.jpg) iqdb

works on my shit


The only difference is I increased thumbnail size by 5x5 pixels.

This has always been a problem with Tinyboard/Vichan, you will see the same thing on ota. I can't fix it.

Although I'm not seeing that same thing, it's not nearly that bad for me.


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Scientists make Christcucks cry.


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got Oriemo vinyl record


are you a vinyl otaku


But I'm not very good at it.


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Requested image


whatmin put the square brackets back in the board list




Throwin' harder with Barbara
Seein' sexy with Betsy
Gettin' ready for Betty
I hit the hooker heavy
I hit the hooker heavy


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Ok done.


phew thanks i almost died


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brush my teeth with an angle grinder


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touhous are gay when the fandom ships them, as there are few male characters.
Anyone who interprets this as them actually being canonically homosexual is clearly a tertiary with only a tangential awareness of the series, but getting bothered over them being depicted as gay when shipped is absurd. Shipping is something fandoms do, and shipping in a series with few men necessarily changes the characters into lesbians, the same as shipping in a mostly male series has to result in yaoi.


i don't like this slutty outfit they gave Marisa


none of them are gay ever zun said it so go eat shit faggot


>Anime Maru


>reacting this strongly to gayhus
stay gay gayboy.


i can't react to something that doesn't exist


ideas exist in your mind.


maybe i'm not real did you ever think of that?


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I just finished reading History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi. It's a pretty typical shounen but it wasn't bad. Shigure is the highlight.



rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape


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You get nitro points for winning CSGO games so people are absolutely sweating going full tryhard in these games.

Bringing out the ESEA only tryhard fags back to matchmaking.


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What kind of ""person"" saves pictures of feces on his computer?


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dumb lootboxes, literally 3 of the exact same item with exact same stats.


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this one is blue vinyl


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I got the butt idol


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I got a megumi and a dupe


I bought a google home mini for my schizo whatfriends to use! Hope they like it~





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the only stat that matters in that game is power anyway, until you reach maximum level and are choosing between different 300-power things




Whatmin I'm sick and in hospital. Probably kidney stones. I miss out on my frens this weekend and I'm disappointed.


Drink too much soda?

Don't they have a cure for kidney stones by now? Something you drink and it dissolves them. Good luck.


You need to start drinking beer. A lot.







Enjoy being urethraped and feeling one of the worse pains a human can feel


yeah it's apparent after reading just a few posts about loot. i save the good boxes for later.


They have something that breaks them down a bit but you still gotta pee em out i think. Anyway, luckily it wasn't kidney stones.

When i gave my pee sample at the hospital, it was so dark that it was impossible to tell if that was blood or just me being extremely dehydrated from the vomiting, so they had to send it to the lab. A few hours after i made that post, they said there was no blood and it was most likely to be viral form of gastroenteritis. That just means after all the vomiting and abdominal pain at the start, the only thing left is to poop myself for a day or two and then it goes away.


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I don't remember this episode


I think it's from one of the specials




this is an extreme case of a penis complex for a girl




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Why can't I post .mov on here


It's not added it to the list of approved file extensions.

I don't think it will display in browsers or be thumbnailed anyway. You could post it in a zip file.


/what/ is more like a textboard but with file attachment features.



*cums again*


Okay it does display in firefox.


yeah no


gay porn & virus link dont click


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This is dumb


foids are disgusting


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>/what/, but all the "cum" words have been replaced with "fuga"


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really want chihaya swimsuit but no luck yet



I didnt even want to cum today im literally just fapping to make myself sweat more for heat dissipation holy fuck



Check out this Romanian zoomer.

Born November 1998


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who that one next to bulma and why she look literally identical to the bulm?


it's bianca from dragon quest 5, akira toriyama does the art and character design for dragon quest


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Whatmin I'm boarding the plane.


don't fly it into any buildings haha


That's not funny, my brother died that way


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which one is your brother?




Whatmin i arrive safely, please inform my mom too.


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Did everyone clap when the plane landed?


A whatfriendo just said "boy leggies"…





Whabmin I'm cold.


Whabmin someone say they only use nano and not gonna use vim and vim only good if you doing lots of typing and if he was gonna type lots he'd just use an ide or word processor or something and that there isn't really a point for vi anymore and i didn't know what to say or anything, whabmin.


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I only use nano and a graphical editor too.

People still like vim or emacs because they just do though.

vim in particular is a very "standard" editor on Linux systens, where you might log in and that's the only editor, or the default $EDITOR.

You should at least know how to do basic editing of a file and saving in vim I guess.

Why exactly are you concerned with responding to this guy anyway?


>Why exactly are you concerned with responding to this guy anyway?

Because is real life conversation you aho baka. Saying nothing or grunting out whatever in conversation like that is maximum autistic.


Whabmin come back, i didn't mean to call you a baka…


/what/ help!

I was walking on a busy sidewalk and a boy going in the other direction looked at me and smiled. He was really tall and lanky and cute and wore his cap backwards. It made me feel funny and i can't stop thinking about it.

/what/ should i doushiou??


Masturbate or try again tomorrow


he's probably not a fag like you so you should just forget about it


Ive never had real sex but I did finger a girl in the public library once.


Public indecency in a library is my favorite setting


I wanted to go the the library today to start reading books, but I didn't want to interact with humans so I didn't


It's for the best, you could've ended up being fingerbanged by someone.


I could have also met a qt bookworm. Makes me think that was my intention from the start. Why would I go to the library in a digital online age.


sometimes you can find some neat things you would never find otherwise. Same thing in used book stores. Which reminds me I need to go back to a certain used bookstore soon


File: 1562903941253.mp3 (11.13 MB,08 - Smiling Swine.mp3)



whabmin i back home, please tell my other frens and also my mom too, arigomen.


its been years since i frequented a library


how come /what/ doesn't have cool banners like the rest of the spin-offs?


/what/ is more like a textboard but with file attachment features.


no it's not


You just don't get it



shut up homo


I'm kyouko for kyouko puffs!!



shut up homo!


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you freaks need to stop jacking off all of the time or at the very least stop posting about it it's not interesting or funny no one wants to know


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my crop


Nico nico nii~ xD


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I miss watching mobies with my whabfrens.


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quads for maki!


3-4 years ago I marathoned all of madoka at once, then threw up on my desk and passed out mid way through the movie


why did you throw up?


*does a huge little cummy all over the /what/ kitchenarium*



haha, i just closed 156 tabs, and they said it couldn't be done!
i've only got 1144 left to go.




im miss my whatbfriends


noko still work btw. i realize is good for hiding in your shelter thread while board gets flooded outside.


me 2 but they will never back





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btw, /what/ming literally lost the very last noodles posts that ever existed before he died 4ever. And the very last remi-anon posts too before dying of leukemia.

they were both only on old/what/


His name was Porchy and he was my friend.


File: 1564044601333.png (1.18 MB,760x1200,browsingwhat.png) iqdb

browsing /what/


Do you remember the one on old/what/ where Porchy posted the noodly dance webm and someone replied with "this show is literally for children"? that was a good thread.


No I don't remember that because I don't follow namefags like some loser lmaooo


File: 1564060401473.png (24.04 KB,217x234,chibike.png) iqdb

He wasn't a namefag, dummy. You don't even know the Porchy lore… I'm lmaoing at you're life!


uh all identifiable posters are namefags… try lmaoing at me now:
*disappears into the anonymous masses*



Do you ever have trouble deciding on what you'd like to cum to and in the end you fail and finish to something totally random?


the worst is when you accidentally start cumming at nothing in particular while switching between the billion of tabs you have open and while you're trying to hold back your climax you frantically try to switch to something nice only to end up pathetically dribbling to something you don't like


Whabmin is gay.


/what/ is for creampuff girly boys.



fag-poster is gay and likes cum kisses.


I've heard information that a girl was asking about me in work. This is of course concerning because of the implications. I fear that my path through life will be hindered by relationships and that i'll end up only passively participating in the game of life. To state a line of thought a lot of great thinkers died alone while not in a relationship.


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キタ━━━( >,<)━━━!!


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I want Azusa to chu me.


i want to wear Azusa cosplay and chuu~ anonymous


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saw this and thought of you guys


Would be funnier if the character had horns


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That would be funny.


gross cum glob pokemon, i bet it smells like really old cums.


He's like me


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Maki… woah……




bro wtf


bulma smells of cum


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The picture has been rotated, he's actually just standing up leaning against the wall while everyone else is lying down on the floor.


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It spins around really fast so gravity sticks you to the walls

This man however is a super saiyan




ameri education


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Some nice leeks.


Cute feet


i had a horrible dream where whabmin shut down /what/ because it had less than 10 different posters.


>less than
*fewer than


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oh no! her big round butt is so big that it ripped her shorts!


i had a horrible dream where whabmin shut down /what/ because it had <10 different posters.




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big round butt girl is making me dinner!


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Hahaha look, it's turteloli and pedodog! Only old /what/friends will recognize this.


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super secret image, don't look.


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this is how I imagine princess



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This is me and my /what/friend walking on the beach (we had sex later back at the hotel).


i sent nenmin an email and he didn't respond. someone tell nenmin on nen to check his email.


Who the fuck reads emails in 2019


maybe she didn't respond because she haets you


Bulma poster, please post one of them Bulmas with the pink dress she wears.


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your welcome…..


thanks for bulma picture

thanks for bulma picture



used to think dbz was kinda gay when i was a kid
all homoerotic muscle men grunting and moaning
as a man of taste i preferred superior anime like cardcaptors


I thought and still think shonen crap is dumb.


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taking a bath with bulma!


What about yu yu hakusho, hunter x hunter, and rurouni kenshin


Wow same
As a little kid I remember scrolling through the tv and seeing some shirtless dude squatting and grunting in the middle of a desert or something, I thought "uhhhhh this looks kinda gay" and never looked back, I didn't know what drgaonball was or anything at that age though.
I watched Dragonball years later when I was a teenager though and then Z when i got into anime

Never liked wrestling either that ones still mega gay


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call me womb raider




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this is the year i was born in.



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remi-anon liked insecties and stuff too…


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reimu… >///<


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All pussies are great!


even bp??



inb4 homos


Every time I try to post an image on /ota/ I get "invalid image" error




Do you name your image files the same way as dani? Because otamin banned image files that look like that.


its pixiv files , and im on my phone


He banned phoneposting too, incomparable!!




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what is she doing


that's a /what/birl thinking of her special /what/friendos (with glossed over eyes).


a cummie


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just went to gnfos for the first time in a while and it's actually worse than what


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my bf did a cumsplosion in my bp and i was leaking cums for hours…


File: 1566619364000.mp3 (14.61 MB,10 - This Heat.mp3)

this song goes out to whatmin


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dani has such a large collection of "cummed" anime girl pictures.
do you think he watches anime and screencaps shabs just for the cummed face pics? it must require a lot of attention to detail.


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I made this for you whatmin. I hope you like it.


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help! i restarted my pc-chan and when my browser started up and loaded my tabs, they went back to how they were about a month ago! i can see all my browser history is still recorded, but the tabs i have open are from how they were last month. i must be missing like 300 tabs.

/what/ do i doushio?


your pc-chan doesn't sukis you anymore, she decided to stop working




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walked past the gothic lolita store again today


did you see any gothic lolitas walking about? I wish I lived near a gothic lolita hub


they were all inside looking at the dresses and drinking tea


That must have been nice to look at


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Their wet chlorinated buttes touched together for a moment…




left a dislike


Wow you really did, get a life you little homo


I also disliked it.



I wasn't going to dislike them at first but they are really bad so i did


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/what/gang headed to the dislike button when someone posts a youtbe video


sad but true



hope I find my weeeb gf one day


going to rape my seed into your bp


I think whatshisface banned me I'm not sure…




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Nice shot, a collection of very interesting characters.


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Strange movie. I wish some parts went for longer and other parts were shorter. Some of it is very hard for me to watch.


bulma is sexy


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Oh no!


Theme song of /what/butts


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There is a touhou party on /ota/ and everyone is invited!


otateens owned


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Notice: Forums will be shutdown by June 2019

To focus on better serving our members, we've decided to shut down the POF forums.

While regular posting is now disabled, you can continue to view all threads until the end of June 2019. Event Hosts can still create and promote events while we work on a new and improved event creation service for you.

Thank you!


check out this /what/ link that doesn't work anymore!


File: 1568035149602.jpg (170.25 KB,1010x810,frowny_japanese_girl.jpg) iqdb

And this is a search combination for images that exist on someone's drives somewhere but you're gonna have no fun finding them:


wanna have fun in a cun


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it's cirno day, guys ⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨


baka baka


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POF (Plenty Of Friends) ?


Person of frenship!



I'm not clicking on that; post it as an image you big doofus brain.


I think my chin is slowly starting to disappear. This must be karma for all those times I called dani a chinless chimpanzee.



Meow meow meow ^v^


del posts.


You are just getting fat


gonna hold hands with my /what/bf and have him smooch and cum me at the same time.


I listen to music on YouTube all the time and maybe 1% of the yt reccomendations are music.

I watch ONE Joe Rogan clip and suddenly 10% of my recs are jre clips


I hate it when people post images over ~300kb


Are you still using dial-up?






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a paradise where there are only white men and asian women


Dude are you even smart? Everyone would be a hafu next round and also all the men would fight each other.


shut up you gay bitch


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Never seen any more bad looking half-asians than any other ethnicity or mix therof tbh.


I'm just saying that this idea of paradise (which was defined by race and inherently partnered relationships) cannot possibly last. If race is so important, then you'd actually want to have both asian men and women there and white men and women too.


No you need white men (me) and asian women (just the hot ones)


Who said anything about having children?


it says men and women, those are plurals. unless the paradise was meant to be some kind of nonstop pansexual orgy, it's implied they pair off and breed.


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Probably because the audio track is before the video track in the webm.


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what slash ch dot mooo dot com


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this movie is too precious; everything is so delicate.
in this shot a little girl chases a little boy around a farm pond.


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it's too sad. their parents got married so now they're otouto and onee-san. his mother is so nice and happy at the start, it hurts my heart too much.


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cute little town marketto


Do they fuck?


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No. The movie ends before then, but I like to think they tried kissing each other or something when they're older.

It isn't really about them though, it's mainly about the boy's mother and how she deals with tragedy. Everything tends to be very distant: the characters, the dialogue, the camera, etc. even the setting. She moves from Osaka into a tiny mountainy seaside town trying to pull herself together. Characters don't actually talk much. Shots linger for a while in silence and you feel that there is so much more on their minds but they just don't say it. You have to use your kokoro to understand them instead.

I really liked it. It's one of my top movies now.




Rabbit rabbit




you'll never whatch moobies together with frens ever again


One time I tried to watch mobies with /nen/ but they just didn't understand how it worked and I realized I only wanted to go back to #whatch and watch mobies with my /what/friends like zheitny and frens.


i remember that but please don't be mean to them they are just a bit slow


They were being mean to me and laughing at the way I wanted to do it…


/nen/ is actually bully central
/what/ is just playful teasing


Hello, are my #whatch friendos here?


Sometimes yeah but rarely ever


How did they want to watch the movie?


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This is the real conflict in the /jp/sphere in 2019. trans advocate /nen/ vs radfem /what/




I can't remember the details well or the order they did it in, but it went something like:
They disagreed with the way they would communicate during the movie. They didn't want to use IRC, instead they wanted it to be more like its own community in Discord or something.
They disagreed with the method of distribution. They wanted to have it streamed instead of having to download a copy.
Related to that, they disagreed with the way it should be coordinated. They wanted to use syncplay or streaming instead of just pressing play together.
They disagreed with the encoding and container format of the movies. They didn't want to handle .ISO or other DVD formats.
Probably more that I've forgotten over time.

When I explained it to them, they still didn't seem to understand that:
Discord channels feel too permanent and exclusive for this activity. It's not meant to be its own exclusive social circle, it lives on the board, not on an instant messaging channel. I didn't want to have people sign up for discord if they hadn't already either. If people wanted to join an IRC channel, there isn't any sign up process and you can just use a web client - it's temporary, lightweight, and appropriate for the activity.

I've watched enough gooey streams to know that even a 20 minute anime stream is likely to be shut down before it finishes. Additionally, my internet upstream bandwidth is very very limited (think 240p), there's no way for it to be readily streamed. Syncplay can't be used as it's very unreliable with multi-file inputs like DVD and bluray formats. It's meant to be more like a cinema anyway, prepare more before the movie so you don't need to pause and pee halfway through or something and counting down before pressing play together is a nice and simple way that fits.

My movie collection is already in .ISO and other DVD formats. Re-encoding it would just diminish the image quality and add an unnecessary step at this point. It was difficult enough for me doing it on /what/ just to find an appropriate movie without spoiling it for myself, coordinate it across multiple time zones ranging from -7 GMT to +9 GMT, the saturation of my bandwidth for days and days to upload it to multiple file hosts because some friends preferred mega over mediafire etc. The thought of messing up, picking out a movie that wasn't friendly to watch (which has happened), my file upload failing because of my internet connection delaying everything (which has happened), not explaining the time zone differences clearly enough for people and friends missing out only because they thought it was at X o'clock instead (which has happened), it was stressful sometimes and /nen/ didn't understand and I got upset.

I said they could make their own thread and do it all themselves their own way if they want to. I'm not angry at them or anything, I would still join theirs if they manage to do it, but I don't think they will.


You just have to make the thread, decide everything, and give all instructions, don't ask anyone else for their preferences on anything.


are you hurt?


buttmin the christian terf

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