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i really fucked up bros. i may be taken out today


What you do this time?


not gonna write it out publicly but like, i really may have signed my death warrant today. im not even scared, im just so fucking depressed and resigned to it the thought is kind of comforting.


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You take 4 tylenol or something?

Send me your money before you die.


no i wish, like there are people out to get me type shit. maybe i should just take all my oxys but i dunno if it's enough to kill me


good luck!!




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They were random spam posts sorry

Didn't even think about the get


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lost forever like tears in the rain




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is this game good?


No probably not.

It seems like Undertale but for weaboos who are too cool for Undertale.


yeah but there's some good art on pixiv so it can't be bad right

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