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really want a hug…


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I'd hug you if I could irl

If you're feeling pain trust me I can relate.


thank you frien…
im American and live in japan so this image weirdly cuts deep


What's your story?


Fuck off


what is wrong with you?


I didn't have enough money to go to my favorite scat club in Kabukichō……



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i wanted to die living in the US, work, life, and the people were exhausting. But an old friend from college offered me a job working for him in Tokyo, and since i was always interested in Japan and could speak the language fairly okay i jumped right on the chance. Everyone is really nice here, so much so that i often don’t feel deserving of that kindness. im not used to people accepting me, and especially in a foreign country it’s even more surprising to me…
just wait around outside in the alleys, kabukichou is basically an open public restroom


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your favorite what?


boy i love scat (s)ock on a (cat)


Taste: unrivaled


Are you remi-anon?

Asking for a friend.


Isn't work culture in Japan way worse?


Not if you're a foreigner…


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answering for a frien (´・ω・`)

in general yes from what ive heard, especially more traditional companies, and there’s certainly the famous image of salarymen working 24/7, but it really depends on the job and company


do you want to be frens with me on discord or steam or last.fm or line or wire or email?

if you do, you can メール me to start: chuu at cock.lu

if you don't, that's okay too. it's okay if you don't want to!


it is, my japanese roommate literally wants to work in a western country because worker rights are so much better and it's much less stressful

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