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File: 1591200038906.png (467.46 KB,1017x901,2020-06-03-111906_1920x108….png) iqdb


So Dani is still alive and not locked up, he just posted on /v/ today.


He left /jp/ completely though, not even a goodbye post!


Wow how did he manage to break free from here. I wish I could leave too


Wasn't he a /v/tard long before he found warosu and the spinoffs? /jp/ was probably just a short phase for him.


i mean i was an /everything/tard before i got gamergate banned from 4chan and basically created the 8chan and alt right movement. after i realized my power was doing this much to the world i relegated myself to the spinoffs as a self proclaimed purgatory and now i cant go back


Are you hot wheels


File: 1591243453141.jpg (203.17 KB,1065x999,sample-e7884ae7eec052049dc….jpg) iqdb

tfw Hot Wheels had "sex" but not me




Yeah I remember that's when I would browse wizardchan


i gave him a userbase

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