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this is a pretty racist simplification. why are the left like this?


File: 1590871000897.jpg (61.42 KB,686x915,9E27D701-BDD7-4A60-BAC6-55….jpg) iqdb


not even a simplification, it's reality


There are both
1. Situations where Pro second amendment non-whites demonstrating with firearms.
2. Situations where whites are victims of incorrect threat management.
It's pretty racist to ignore this. But that won't make another spicy race-baiting narrative.




I wish this was the truth.


I don't know if you've ever seen a modern black panther rally, but they do the same thing, they have their weapons in clear sight, they don't point em at the police, and the cops don't fuck with them either.

Especially when pulling over vehicles, cops are trained to be paranoid, but kind of rightfully so. I kind of yearn for the days when there were less handguns and cars and they could jut go around fucking up 20 people with billy clubs.


ever been to a michigan covid protest?


This. He a fucking retard.


My point was that black people have done the same stuff as the michigan covid protests in the last 5 years, I'm lost as to what you believe I'm missing unless shots were fired at police in michigan and the cops didn't return fire.
Then again, I think the whole police violence thing is a bit manufactured. 800-1000 deaths per year in a country going on 330,000,000 and about 30-50 of them being unarmed is a lot smaller than what these riots seem to warrant, I'm sure there'll be more than 50 people the end of this. Most of those unarmed deaths were intoxicated to the point of inability to follow commands.
I get those 50 deaths per year are incredibly undeserved and horrifying, the Oscar Grant and Daniel Shaver videos scare me shitless.
The police definitely should be held to higher standards than the normal person though, so I would really like to see some reform. Some of them get away with levels of accountability that fast food workers wouldn't be allowed.

At least people are moving away from the black lives matter name a bit, that name really bothered me because black men are by far the ones who need to consider that black lives might matter.

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