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I found a huge fucking cockroach at work, it's like 2 centimeters long
/what/ should I do with this huge insect tank?


I have it in a used soup container. Nigga fueled up on leftover soup


When I was younger I made a lego house for the cockroach I found


Jesus how I hate roaches more than life


>2 centimeters long


Cockroaches in Europe are really tiny compared to the ones in America.


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Ok so here he is
Any cockroach pros who can id if it's a male or female?


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I let him out. Shown it to coworker and the building maintenance manager too. The duty was done. I couldn't think for a good name for this guy.
I grew up on clean places and I'm a clean guy too so I don't have much experience with cockroaches but I read if there is one, there is more
Insects in Europe aren't that big, there are some woodland ones that exceed 3cm but usually not, so this guy was pretty big on a local scale


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Wait, are you actually European?
I didn't know there were any left on /what/. The last ones were Dani, Porchy and Mordin who all last visited years ago…


I know at least one more euro who lurks here


thank you for being nice to the cockroach friend


Gropy doesn't count, he was literally torn apart.


you released it lol
why not kill it
get a glue trap

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