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Like I agree with the fuck the police part, but these niggers are destroying private property that has nothing to do with the government or the police!


Don't say that word you fucking incel. And yeah you have a point but at least theyre attacking police now. also big corps like target, who gives a fuck, they shouod loot walmarts, it's literally a good deed. fucking up small businesses is mean


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They could stop them if they wanted to, the cops are just doing this so Trump can seize Dictator powers . We arent stupid. We know you wypipo are behind the destruction


The police have been making enemies of both side of the fence for a while now. Sure the more conservative groups are ardent supporters of cops, but there are also those on the right who see police as "we're just doing our jobs" thugs who don't give a shit about the Constitution and them enforcing bad laws.
Then you have the left and their attitude with cops. On one hand, their fucking policies are heavily dependent on a police force. On the other, they will fucking chimp out if police ever did anything wrong and hold it up to the whole as being equally responsible.

The cops did this to themselves. Years of "I'm just doing my job" mentality is going to bite them in the ass.


im sad that the 20s are the epic decade ive been waiting for my whole life since the demon consciousness told me what will happen when i was a child and now i'm going to die before i get to see the epicness. this year is just the prelude



He's a bad actor Holly shit


That Jewish propaganda at the end, holy fuck. I want to leave this shit hole forever


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>it looks like some horrible movie

no, just the reality of n*iggers chimping out


They attacked the guy for being nervous


While I'll admit big businesses like Walmart, businesses that have lobbyists in the government working to grant them privileges, those businesses can go fuck themselves! But the rioters are also damaging small local bars and restaurants!


Yeah the cops pushed them from the richer white areas and let them ruin the small businesses


its opportunism at it's worst


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Twitter keeps messing with Trump tweets lol


so glad I don't live in a shitty oops I mean city hahaa





Blacks are making Minnesota look post apocalyptic

Meanwhile when white people protest😂😂

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