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How come no website ever mentions how Sam groomed and had anal sex with pic related when she was 15? I swear 4chan is the only place I see people posting about it


Literally who?


Literally who?


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ohhh the girl is marky


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I hope she kills him when she reaches my age and has PTSD and mental illnesses and trauma forming relationship


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Let's do it whatbros.


Oh Sam Hyde

Guy is violent psychopath hiding behind a constant facade.

Bitch is stupid and I don't feel bad for her though, she chose to date up.


a 15 year old is a gullible kid who will easily be manipulated and swayed by a 30 year old adult


>Guy is violent psychopath hiding behind a constant facade.
what did he do?


It's just who he is.

He thinks he's better than everyone and has a god complex.



she is an abuse victim


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He's so fucking ugly he managed to manipulate and seduce some teen


Whatmind why you spoiler my image it's not even that bad when you leave all the shitty femdom cock porn up


You don't see the literally hundreds of threads I have to delete from this guy.


You don't have to loser fag


>what did he do?
He has literally killed hundreds of people.


XD bro


Please forgive my rudeness I am an incomparable homoOOOOOOOOOOOOO


gonna make a fake tindder with her pic and tell guys im 14


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Hey profile got 100 likes in 10 minutes


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Suicide fuel.


Yeah it's insane, and a lot of the guys look like model Chad's


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This is literally the profile no bio no other pic


Now I understand why only fat girls and trannies and the occasional decent girl match me


has anyone made a tinder with an anime pic ever




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Wow this is how they talk to her




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Seriously any female who isn't fat and literally hideous has literally thousands of men who are literal chads messaging her and offering money looks etc. You literally are a permanent incel if you are below an 8 and don't make hundreds of thousands and even if you do nowadays when get paid more than men so your money won't make up for your looks.


So the genetic dead ends don't get to reproduce just as nature intended. All is right in the world


Why is this guy posing as a girl like some closest tranny lmao


Even the ones that are fat and ugly will still have a group of men that still want to fuck her.


True they write about stop messaging me this and that and they're ugly as fuck

as a below Chad level man you're literally virgin eternal


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Autistic Chad


He wants to be the girlfriend in the relationship.
Wannabe tranny


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im getting rich off simps while you jack off to anime cuck


drown yourself currynigger


Nigger has lost his mind! LMAOOOOO


Jacking off to anime is pretty good, let's be honest

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