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File: 1565156176481.png (227.99 KB,800x600,ec4.png) iqdb




File: 1565156832912.png (912.87 KB,1920x1080,red cirno fishie.png) iqdb

Touhou phishe


I got living together with Byakuren!


File: 1565358111325.png (3.1 MB,1500x2121,__houraisan_kaguya_touhou_….png) iqdb

Be friends with Kaguya!


Nice try Seija I know that gift is just a trick.


A lecture from Nue? There are several ways it will go…


the guy who had the same birthday as me must have died


whart-ch will ded dis yr 4 sho


Danmaku with Cirno

But I can't danmaku


File: 1566017624570.gif (163.69 KB,320x240,yuuka it can't be helped.gif) iqdb

But I don't WANT to have a date with Seiga!
I want to have a date with YUUKA, and I let Seiga KNOW!!

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