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mom found the suicide note


File: 1590202541875.jpg (64.91 KB,708x711,u got that.jpg) iqdb

how are you alive then retard?




dont laugh at him you fucking psycho


she found it before I did it, I ordered a helium tank, but I'm worried she might check the mail


which helium tank? link it attention whore.


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Why kill yourself when the worst possible outcome is just being homeless in warm Californian weather?


thats a bad outcome. why don't you try it yourself. you will literally need to stay in buildings to cool down and you never get proper sleep and constantly get sick and people will mock you and people will be kind but there are tons of horrible people out there


I'm set for van life for life with my parent's inheritance, but wouldn't kill myself even in street homelessness.


Haha you're such a naive child


I like laughing


Fuck off



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