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whatmin have you played botw yet?


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Yes, I've stopped playing it because I don't want to finish and have the game be over, but also don't feel like exploring it and doing extra stuff.

I have 3/4 areas done, I could complete the game quickly right now if I wanted.

Very dissapointed that there's no real dungeons, only 4 fake short dungeons that all look the same with bosses that look the same, and shrines.


yeah i know i'm not going to enjoy it. i haven't really enjoyed a game since 2003 and every zelda game dissapointed me after. this is why im killing myself.

do you play on 144hz? if so how does it run is it glitchy at that fps? and do uyou use textures or anything?


I still think the game is great, a real technological marvel.

Have you considered playing competitive games like Overwatch and CSGO? They require so much focus when playing that you can't think about anything else.

>do you play on 144hz? if so how does it run is it glitchy at that fps? and do uyou use textures or anything?

The Switch only has HDMI output, which locks to 60Hz on any monitor.

There's no problem with a 144/240Hz monitor running at 60Hz, or running games at fps below their refresh rate.


oh i thought you were playing on yuzu. illl play csgo if you teach me if i ever get the willpower to get out of bed and set up my pc. overwatch looks fun tho do you play that too? i think i might like it.


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I only like solo queuing.

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