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Whatmins are you gonna get the forced vaccine or lose your job?


Absolutely not, I am never getting another vaccine in my life.

Also me and my mom likely already had coronavirus in January, an antibody test will hopefully be an exemption from this vaccine.


why aren't you getting another vaccine?


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1) I have already had some vaccines or diseases that have made me immune for life (including what was probably coronavirus in January)
2) I am not at risk or worried about the other vaccine-preventable diseases
3) Vaccines are harmful

If it wasn't for an innocent child being harmed, I'd take great joy in parents that want to take away people's rights to not vaccinate, having their children permanently disabled for life after having bad reactions to vaccines, resulting in high fevers, seizures, and ultimately brain damage which is now commonly diagnosed as autism.



Sefirot, also spelled sephiroth, singular sefira or sephira, in the speculations of esoteric Jewish mysticism (Kabbala), the 10 emanations, or powers, by which God the Creator was said to become manifest. The concept first appeared in the Sefer Yetzira (“Book of Creation”), as the 10 ideal numbers.

In the development of Kabbalistic literature, the idea was expanded and elaborated to denote the 10 stages of emanation from En Sof (the Infinite; the unknowable God), by which God the Creator can be discerned. Each sefira refers to an aspect of God as Creator; the rhythm by which one sefira unfolds to another was believed to represent the rhythm of creation. The mystical nature of the sefirot and the precise way in which they function were often disputed. Kabbalists used them as one of their principal subjects of mystical contemplation, despite vigorous criticism that such speculations were implicitly heretical.

The individual sefirot are keter ʿelyon (“supreme crown”), ḥalhma (“wisdom”), bina (“intelligence”), ḥesed (“love”), gevura (“might”), tif ʾeret (“beauty”), netzah (“eternity”), hod (“majesty”), yesod (“foundation”), and malkhut (“kingship”). The sefirot have also been called by other names, the most popular being “crowns,” “attributes,” “principles,” and “steps.” Though often arranged in triads to form a right, left, and middle pillar, arrangements varied.


youre not a child so why dont you take them


whatmin why do you get medical information from actors instead of doctors


I don't know what you're talking about.


whatmin likes polio


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I enjoyed this a lot


There's a difference?


Holy fuck whatmins on suicide watch

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