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/what/ -...

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File: 1587277588125.png (3.57 MB,2631x1522,CharaStudio-2020-04-16-05-….png) iqdb


Stinky NEET


File: 1587292452793.png (2.06 MB,879x1406,[Erai-raws] Chou Kadou Gir….png) iqdb

is that shadow nona


it's anzu, you can tell because she's got the japanese shirt haha


How is she not fat?


Asians have high metabolism


her shirt says
自田ね生き方 (selfish life)
and anzus shirt says
働いたら負け (if you work, you lose)

your move, atheists?


What are you doing on /what/ when you can be reading untranslated japanese visual novels right now?


It's actually 自由 which is freedom so I'm going to ask you selfishly to go back learning kanji you nigger, also it's not ね but な which is usually after adjectives so I'm going to ask you to go back learning grammar too, you double nigger


Holly fuck owned that incel


fugg…. it's literally impossible to learn japanese

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