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me on the left


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Damn they fine as amuh


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Did you know black people make up 13% of America but account for 50% of all coronavirus deaths?


It's because they live in poverty because of institutionalized racism so they don't have healthcare and have weaker immune systems


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Yeah I know this virus racist as hell.


It was made in a lab confirmed by Trump so they probably targeted black people DNA


I figured it was because black people, much like old people in general, have a much poorer sense of hygeine. They don't understand germ theory, so they don't understand why they have sneeze into their elbows and wash their hands.


That's not true at all when I lived with blacks they showered twice a day and make sure they're looking clean and fresh

They didn't wash their hands after the bathroom tho


Also if you don't want your hands and expose yourself to germs you will have a stronger immune system because it's been fighting off the bacteria while the pussy bitch who washes his hands has a weak one so when he's exposed to a real virus he's done



Yeah, they use their hands to wipe after taking a dump.


No one does that stop being racist


Niggers do. You can't tell though because their hands are shit coloured to begin with.






no one washes their hands unless someone else is looking or they took a shit
No one washes after a pee


The guy who used to run the FPSRussia channel on youtube went to jail and he said that the prisoners (not the guards, the prisoners) there were really hard on people that didn't wash their hands thoroughly after using the bathroom.


https://youtu.be/4pFvoKbYoMM right in the beginning around 0:30

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