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>He moderates a anime board with a total. of 5 posters on it, out of which only I could even be considered human


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There's actually way more individual IPs than you might think.


All me.


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>average /what/ and ota poster


Is this real? I'm scared.


Yes, the evidence of human "evolutionary ancestors" is just dug up fossils of guys like this or other primates, that have all existed within the past ~6,000 years.


I'm responsible for posting from at least 7 different proxies.

P.S. mod me


???? its just your average brazilian


remember when whatmin fucked up and lost years worth of posts


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how did noah feed the dinosaurs and why did god put dinosaur bones in the dirt that are measured to be 240 million years old if he made earth just 6000 years ago (roman empire was just 2000 years ago)


>how did noah feed the dinosaurs
He brought baby dinosaurs not full grown.

Keep in mind that the animals were brought there through supernatural means, it is not out of context to believe that other aspects of life on the ark were too, like causing them all to basically hibernate.

>and why did god put dinosaur bones in the dirt that are measured to be 240 million years old

It's measured to be that old by finding nearby radioactive material and finding out how far it is in the decay process.

Called radiometric dating, that's really the only thing used as evidence for old Earth dates.


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>Called radiometric dating, that's really the only thing used as evidence for old Earth dates.
The light from the sun takes 10 minutes to reach earth, so we are seeing the sun as it was 10 minutes in the past. We measure light by time and we can actually see stars that are further than 6000 years away. There is a lot of evidence leading to the assumption the earth is a lot older than 6000 yrs, hence why we believe it and have reached a consensus in the first place.



Lil wayne and snoop dog are millionaires. America is not a meritocracy. PhD literally means nothing.



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>being this much of a 16 y/o redditor


Even so he makes good points on this question in a 4 minute video.

Particularly notable that the big bang model suffers from the same exact light travel problem (Horizon problem).

"Scientists" even have similar arguments, like that since time can speed up or slow down depending on gravity, light speed can be variable.


And countless other scientists make better points in 1000 minute videos.


I did not Google for this I already had it in my history.

Answers in Genesis is a young Earth creationist apologetics organization with many PhD physicists and academics.


Our measure of light can be variable, the speed of light is not variable.


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I dont have time for that garbage. I have attention deficit disorder (self diagnosed) and cant watch anything more than 5 minutes long.



Gravity can make time move slower or faster


gravity can make our perception of time slow or speed up but the time is not a variable in itself


Time does not care about your perception of it

IF all humans died right now, time would continue, and it would slow down or up depending on the level of gravity.


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The speed of light in a vacuum is a constant, like the size of my dick (17 in chs) if not in a vacuum the speed of light is not a variable only our perception of it (if you are further away my dick looks like its only 12 inchs but its actually still 17 inchs)


Time is a flat circle




Someone post Osaka Hawking!

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