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Oxys calm me down but the constipation is real


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why don't they prescribe you some kind of a medication that would solve your condition in a far more efficient and temporary manner like cyanide


They tell me I'm young healthy with great potential and all like me, maybe you're just toxic and bitter and should get some real help so you don't tell people to kill themselves on the internet while being a loner with no friends or sexual experience



>They tell me I'm young healthy with great potential

that's very mean of them…


I don't understand: if you're so young and healthy with great potential, why do you still hang out here with all these toxic and bitter people? Why don't you fulfill your potential? For every minute you spend being shitty on imageboards, you just prove that they're wrong and you don't actually have potential.

Go do something great with this fantastic life you have instead of interacting with people you despise.


They're paid to say that you dense retard.


Right, they're paid to lie about my blood work and vitals.
I think it's because I'm self hating, cuz you're right, it's like an act of self harm coming here. I've been coming much less as you guys can see with the limited posts but I've literally been in the ICU and couldn't really. It was nice to talk to nurses and real life normal mentally healthy people in the hospital the past couple weeks tho

I hope I can maintain the lesser times I'm spending with you guys, and I hope you guys can get better too


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Use this opportunity to get retard bucks.

You are doing the Uncle Remus method of pretending to kill yourself to get documentation for disability right?


I didn't try to kill myself dude, it was an accident where I was severely injured and had to get surgery and even almost died post surgery from blood loss and had to get a ton of transfusions. It was the most physical pain I've felt in my life and the paramedics were like damn we know how painful this is don't worry bro we got the good stuff and literally ivd me fentanyl and I've been on painkillers in every unit non-stop since, the docs don't even hesitate they literally offer me whatever I want.

Anyway apparently I'm healing fine and will eventually be back to normal cuz of my good health and youth.


that's good, people don't get hard addicted if they aren't already lacking in happy hormones going into the substance so hopefully works out.

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