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$1200 is a bribe to the American people.

It's an amount that says "Take this and stfu, while we do the real bailouts, kthx".

P.S. I'm reading reports of countless people who can't actually even file unemployment, because the phone lines are tied up. The situation is much worse.

This virus is too perfect as a means to keep people from rioting and killing the rich after the collapse. People stay inside and they have martial law enforcing it, and since people think it's for their own safety from this virus and it's protecting their loved ones they don't get mad and are scared of contacting it. They will then blame the collapse on the virus instead of the Jewish Ponzi scheme imploding and won't do the things they would have done if this happened without the virus.

There will still be lots of violence and starvation and I want to get the fuck out of here and go to India before it does. I'll take street shitting over the hell that is coming to this country in this decade.


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Mcfucking killyourself


I want to be 14 again

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