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I bought today in premarket, all in, for the first time since this crash.

Cruise line stocks (Carnival and Royal Caribbean), American Airlines, Dave & Buster's.

I'm calling it, it's time.


Fucking retard lmao


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I'm betting my nuts this time.

There is no other chance for me. To the moon or broke.


I've been watching flight prices and they are actually cheaper today than yesterday.



No idea where to start, if you were a healthcare professional you wouldn't need this explained to you.

Lets start with the just outright stupid commentary and idea of >>249918832
"Healthy people won't die from it". So first you want healthy people to get one of the worse cases I have ever seen of pneumonia? I haven't seen a lot of professionals actually explain what this virus does to you or your body and actually I think it is the best because if people realized how bad you get because of it, panic would be even greater. But fuck that.

From what I can tell people that test positive around 20 to 40% need medical attention (this is an estimate the number could be closer to one of the extremes, this is mostly anecdotal and not to be taken like a scientific accurately range), so that isn't so bad. Well when you consider that in a region you usually have accommodations for 1% to 5% or less of your population, if 20% of it needed medical care then you would have to deal with 4 to 20 times your capacity. That is an apocalyptic scenario even on the low end projection. So even if "healthy" people won't die for Corona, getting 20% of them added to the population that needs medical care to not die (the "not healthy) will cause the death rate of both groups to raise. Also it would increase the chances of your healthcare professionals to get infected and you losing man power to handle this crisis, remember that healthcare professionals need between 5 to 10 years of training and aren't easily replaceable.

Second. What the Corona Virus does to the people that need medical attention is give them one of the nastiest cases of pneumonia I have ever seen. Which actually explains why elderly people die easier to it.

This is the point that people seems to be missing. Young people can last longer if they have respiratory issues which explains why elderly people are currently the group with highest mortality rate but even young people will die from this if they have to pass 2-3 weeks with a tube on their mouth breathing for them, specially if they get delirious and try to rip them out because of how badly they are drowning in their own fluids.

So expect young people (or "healthy" people death rate rise in the coming weeks).

Currently there are no treatments for Corona Virus, we can only treat the symptoms what I can see in the cases that are "recovered" aren't actually recovered but most are just people that don't need medical attention anymore because their most dangerous symptoms have been treated, meaning what? that they aren't 100% recovered so they could fall ill again and the virus could hit them even harder because when you fight with a virus for weeks that fucks up your breathing your immune strength is on the ground and you could easily die before you get to be treated again.

I could go on and on but man take this shit seriously, I know this is /pol/ and people like to be contrarian monkeys about anything but if you haven't study medicine for years and know how viruses spread or don't understand that no healthcare system in the world can stand a surge in cases on the timeframe we are dealing with without massive action from government officials and population then please SHUT THE FUCK UP and listen to your medical care professionals.


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whatmin dont kill yourself when the collapse comes


They're going up because of Trump trying to restart businesses. Shareholders and all of the other wall street kikes are under the impression that this will signal a return to regular society and are incapable of maintaining the foresight needed to realize that this translates to borderline unmitigated exposure to the carriers and will blossom in a wildfire spread of this virus harsher than they could have ever imagined. It's comical how our president keeps making the correct decision at the incorrect time and makes things worse. Oh well, at least today the hebrews can pat their wallets, content with their hope that the worst has yet to pass.


how are you so dumb? why do you keep falling for the same bull trap over and over again?

Investors are fucking retards, they deserve to lose everything. It's entirely pent up emotion, the moment there's anything in the news that they think is a good sign they go on a spending spree. The moment there's bad news they sell like it's the end of the world. Over and over again the cycle repeats, but it's different now. The virus is going no where, we're not going to all get back to work in a week, it's going to last months, and there's NO CURE. There's no ability to prevent this from spreading except to keep everyone indoors and anyone that gets sick gets hospitalized / completely isolated until they're healthy again and tested negative 3+ times to be safe, and all of their house is sanitized. That's the solution, or else it will spread again as soon as any lockdown / quarantine ends and more people will die.

People are so fucking dumb, they think a stimulus bill is going to end this? They think bailing out failing industries that deserve to fail is a good thing? The Airline industry is corrupt and deserves to fail. The cruise ship industry is corrupt and deserves to fail. The only people that deserve a bailout are average Americans.
Anyway, long rant but it's hilarious how obvious this bull trap is again.


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Based Florida is gonna crash this market


India (population 1.3 billion) has instituted a nationwide lockdown with a total of 519 infections. But we're still debating whether Florida should shut down certain beaches


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I can't reframe of social isolating from kissmin, sigh.


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I'm not much of a cook, but I can give you kissu


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No way! You're joking right!? I mean the kissu part not the being unable to cook thing. Though I'm sure you can be good at that!

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