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Everyone is saying this is confirmed but no source.

I want Trumpbux but I need proof it's happening.


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he said it in the press conference an hour ago, he really did it's not shitposting. ill try to find the tikmestamp it's prolly on pol and twitter and leddit


is this like in the history books where money becomes worthless? I hope not I just spend 6 months saving a lot of money. Should I spend it on assets before the collapse?


buy bitcoin like me


I refused to buy into that since everytime I asked what value is being produced no one answered me. It's a pyramid scheme


it's literally a currency that is verified by God in matter, blockchain technology,. it's the first stage of the coming AI overlord


No, it's redistribution of existing wealth. They aren't printing more money. (Well the Fed prints more money as it sees fit all the time but that's another thing entirely)



whatmin post in my thread. look everyone loves thah hot asian pic you showed me


It's called Trump Change. (Or maybe corona cash)


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That was me not whatmin


oh well thanks for that it made me feel horny like a kid again and not my femdom fetishes


wow tranny janny deleted the op image because it was so freakin hot


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Nice, I hope you can break out of that. I was into psychological humiliation femdom for a while and I think it actually negatively effected my self esteem. Now I'm more into female submission and only occasional gentle femdom stuff


I want a girl to make me lick her pussy every day whenever she asks for it, make me shave, and fuck me in the ass with a dildo.


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I just want to say, I hate Trump. But, if he gives me $1000 a month I will gladly vote for him in November. I'll buy a Trump hat with that money, fuck it.


this other guy isn't me >>12849


Finally gonna build a PC.


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They just confirmed it yeah.

I'm going to be fucking pissed if this excludes NEETs.

More importantly, this lays the groundwork for the future, that a UBI is possible and has already been done before.

We may see universal basic income within this decade.


It's an emergency thing, I don't think they'll put extra bureaucratic effort into screening. Just check the database for "hasSSN AND over18". When a guy at the press conference asked if it would just be workers or what Trump said "obviously billionaires won't need $1000 checks," so he didn't seem to imply you needed a job.


OMG I hope you're right


Also Trump was vague in the conference when they asked about how much it would be to each person, but said "it might be higher than what you're seeing in the media"


Plus I'm sure people have been laid off recently and will be in the near future so excluding the unemployed is basically accomplishes nothing.


*del that "is"


What if we've never filed taxes


This, I've never filed taxes and I'm going to be extremely mad if I don't get a check.


I don't work for the White House man I don't know any more than anyone else. But so far there is no reason to assume people will be excluded for lack of employment.


Plenty of students haven't filed taxes and they'd probably want to include them.


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Why is a $1000 even a big deal? Are the people of your country that poor? I make double that in less than a month. I didn't even need to put myself in debt for some degree either I have zero.


it's $1000 more than I'm making rn


I do wonder if/how they will address those without as address


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If you don't even have a $1000 on hand that's a sign you should have started a proper savings account with your bank and reconsider spending habits.


I have well over $1000 dollars in savings I just don't have any income.


The vast majority of America lives paycheck-to-paycheck or worse (homeless / NEET / SSI etc.).

They do not make enough money to save or invest any of it.


Ah that makes sense hard to spend when you have nothing coming in so did you get laid off?

Well that's shitty someone told me they saw people dumpster diving in pacts I thought he was embellishing but I guess not.


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I've worked only part time and temporary stuff so far but I live with my parents so I have minimal expenses. I also got a large gift that I haven't really touched.


Now we just need to do everything we can to extend the pandemic indefinitely.

Disclaimer: this post is satire, and I do not condone acts of biological terrorism.


You don't need to, norms don't care at all and are spreading it


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Just noticed that Tulsimommy drafted this bill


Mommy 2024


Hopefully she's the female VP pick we've been hearing about.


Nah that's Hillary lol. Bidden is gonna get Corona and mysteriously kill himself by two gun shot wounds to the back of the head


I think you mean get two corona infected lungs and croak

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