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>As many as one in three American 18- to 34-year-old men are unemployed, living at home, or at or near the poverty line, due to a confluence of factors ranging from economic shifts to student debt. Women are surging ahead, out-enrolling men in colleges and universities. A new uncertainty about their place in the world is leading men to spiking levels of anxiety and depression.

Would that decrease number of unemployed incels and violence in society in general? Should transitioning be mandatory for poorly functioning young males? (Let's say if you are an autist who can't get a girlfriend at 15 years old you get obligatory hrt since later than that you may not be passable). That way there would be much lower number of useless extremist ugly men and they could become prostitutes if they have no prospects instead of being neet incels.


nice delete and repost faglord


no you fucking faggot


don't fight it, you know youll be happier


I'm happy as heck banging 10/10 SHABs.


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Oh yeah?

*whips this out*


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Post more femdom


Well well well…
What do we have here?

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