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in all honesty i've put off buying water and toilet paper because of my depression and now doomsday fucktards have taken all of it so i am literally wiping my ass with napkins i stole from chiptole

the crisis is the retards who are brainwashed by the news


Do you guys not have tapwater


yeah but it tastes like chemicals and wood. it's full of mercury estrogen and other drugs and chemicals. but i've been putting off buying water for 3 months so my body's used to it by now


i'd kill for free estrogen


are you joking? buy tons of soy milk, eat impossible whoppers every day, make sure to use plastics as much as possible full of xenoestrogens, and drink only tap water


the chemicals maaaaan the fucking chemicals watch out for them the chemicals

AAAAAAA i can't chemicals the chemicals dude they're taking over my, they're inside the, the chemicals the CHEMICALS



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I wonder if tea has any benefits or causes problems when drank in large volumes. I have about a kilo of green tea at home. If anything, that won't run out, even if the stores close heh. I burnt my throat last winter when I drank too much tea but that was a temperature related thing, not chemically.



you have a low iq and i'm happy you will die an impotent weak incel


Go on then Mrs High IQ, try using descriptive words for the taste. Only little children and moronic hippies talk about "chemicals" like you have. Which one of those shitholes in the article do you live in?


The United States of America. Enjoy consuming chemicals and turning into a braindead sissy loser, oh wait it already happened LOL


Seems like you've been drinking the tap water longer than I have; I don't live in America.


well that's why you think chemicals is a conspiracy cuz your country probably doesn't put them in the water like ours. fucking retard, not everyone has that luxury

i live in a third world communist shithole of mutts

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