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File: 1583563627062.png (263.89 KB,640x360,1566513319747.png) iqdb


anyone remember that video of that sissy boy cosplaying kotori from ll and prancing around in the snow?


Umm, does this really exist?


File: 1583565086157.webm (Spoiler Image,1.82 MB,496x960,1583535696005.webm) iqdb

No but check this out.


yeah it was on youtube


it's private now, I think he was being bullied for being a little homo that dresses up in girl clothes


well that is understandable


I wanna see this…


File: 1583602228493.png (302.48 KB,800x774,image.png) iqdb

I…uh..uumm that was very nice.
Is there more?


Why do you want to see more?


File: 1583607254270.jpg (45.19 KB,494x648,image.jpg) iqdb

Because hiding away a body that cute is wrong it must be shared…for mankind of course.


op here i searched google for it and so many kotori cosplayers but it was hard to tell if they were masculine looking women or feminine looking men
what a strange world

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