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HAHAHAHAHA he deleted his tranny thread coz it had his username in it!


What was it?




He should become a tranny tbh


File: 1583449264675.jpeg (158.34 KB,1030x1040,9B141F60-DF86-4304-BD60-C….jpeg) iqdb

You guys are retarded


Would you fuck him if he did?


No one would want to have sex with you toxic freak


Poor lonely wannabe tranny…


Hard coreProjection yikes


Says the one who made a tranny thread and then deletes it


You have sub 140iq


You're so stupid that you don't even realize 140 IQ is basically 0.1% of the world's population.

140 IQ literal genius-tier you moron. Online IQ tests aren't standardized and mean nothing.


I have 143iq tested when I was in first grade. Don't talk to me sub140iq normie, you are not worthy


unironically pretending to be smarter than people on the internet, holy shit cringe.


holy shit its T-rev



cute boy



maybe we stop using the t slur yeah




promethea is a fucking retard.


My heart is pounding.


tranny freak

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