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This place is comfy glad I found it again


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What's up name fag


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a literal tranny get out


cast him into the fire whatmin


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Is this really him?

Post butthole.


Wow! Cute hair! ^v^


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Not a lot just trying to not be so stressed so I am drinking and smoking
And rude
Yeah that is my disgusting self
No butt hole


How old are you and where are you from


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Grew up in las vegas


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Post asshole pls.

I know you want to get locked up bent over and fucked by the whole board.


When and how did you find the spinoffs


Whatmins you're going ty hell now


It's okay he's basically a girl.


No he's a boy dressing up


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This is an old pic post a new one


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Request denied. Reason: none need given - we're jews.
Dont think you're right though sounds hot just let me call you all noun and we got a deal
Months ago on spacechan someone mentioned this place to me and I came here and got the bo to turn the symbol right side up cause it bothered me seeing it the wrong way and after he did that i left cause I got distracted with shitposting but I remembered this place a few days ago and remembered it being comfy so when I saw the big post on 64chan about different imageboards I clicked a few till I found this one again. I also run the shithole called yumechan.monster
Also idk what you mean by spinoffs sorry I'm a newfag promptly tell me to die


I'm hrt that counts for something right


Would you like getting face fucked aggressively


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There's people who dont?


Well I'm going to throat fuck you and force you to swallow my nut are you aware of this fact


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That's pretty lewd tbh
Will probably have to slap me and punch me too


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In 2013 4chan /jp/ died due to over-moderation.

There was a very strong community there at the time, IMO the best imageboard community to ever exist.

The over-moderation was so bad it spawned successful third-party imageboards to replace it, often called "/jp/ spinoffs".

Originally ota-ch, then /what/, then gnfos. There's even more, and some that are no longer around.

They've still been going since 2013. They're not much like original 4chan /jp/ anymore though.


I will and your hands will be tied behind your back and I'll hold your nose


Oh neat it's like /jp/ "altchans"


Post a pic with your mouth open


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Oh fucking dank I failed to hang myself last year I wanted to live stream it so people would watch my death cause I've always wanted people to watch me die I should have thought it through better but was copying something i saw which was retarded. Anyways I blacked out like right after this cause I drank so much. I'd try again but I'm content with life atm


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Only cause I'm drunk and in a mood


Are you from gnfos?



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Straight out the looney bin




Uh yikes are you slapping yourself

You're very fucked up maybe more then me


Idk I was very drunk that night I do self harm sometimes but no I was just twitching I think


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i hate namefags so goddamn much



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don't you fucking uwu at me bitch, show your asshole already you worthless namefag garbage


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Roleplay as noun


youre a fucking ugly freak and you shit up every imageboard you go to


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Life eh


I don't think you're ugly, but you'll have to do your best to not shit on the board if you want this place to stay comfy for you, otherwise it will end up being no different to the other boards that you've visited in the past or boards you might be hiding from.
Please try to do your best maybe if you can, but it's okay if you don't or if you can't, that's okay too, but you should just watch out that it might not be comfy anymore, so do best sometimes maybe okay??

If you need any help with this, you can ask your /what/friends, okay? Just bee polite and gentle.


I have no intention of calling attention to myself or namefagging outside this thread dw I like this board and I'm not going to ruin it by being me here


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That face I feel I've seen it somewhere before…but where? That username too I swear I've ran into you before.




very mean posts in this thread


Sigh, I used to be just as cute as OP when I was in my early 20s.
Whatmin, why does God only want us to stay cute for the first 25 years of our life? Why do we have to get old and wrinkly?


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stop giving it attention an stop falling for its lies. the tranny only comes to the spin offs whenever he feels like he isnt getting the attention he wants on spacechan and then just mopes around pretending to be depressed and have mental problems. this disgusting thing is no better than a foid and will pretend to be one of you to gain your trust and shits up every board he goes to


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>pretending to … have mental problems



Go back to ota


Are you a girl?


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I wouldnt be surprised I make my way around
They are
Eh I'm not that cute bleh but thanks
Also I get uglier everyday
Pfft I dont lie
I come for the fun. Space has been dead forever I just forgot what this place was called for a while
Also cope bully


Watch his suicide video




So another another attention seeking Sparky?


At least this one is cute unlike sparky, and hopefully doesn't kill goats for fun like sparky did


Not cute, just gross.


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I'm think I'm cute to some ugly to others. And no I have a hard time killing bugs as it is I'd never hurt an animal.
I try not to be




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Hey that's whatmin's new gf you're talking to, don't bully her


Fuck off




when will fags leave


you might be surprised how much committing to a morning/night skin care regime and choosing a good brightening daily facial moisturizer with spf 30+ can help


No way fag

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