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File: 1583264623108.mp4 (2.18 MB,540x960,Recon on TikTok-6719355617….mp4) iqdb


This music video still blows my mind.



File: 1583278994320.mp4 (2.26 MB,576x1024,Nikotyna πŸ₯€πŸŒˆ on TikTok-6787….mp4) iqdb

This is now a caramelldansen thread.


File: 1583279019930.mp4 (1.39 MB,576x1024,Lua on TikTok-666393713015….mp4) iqdb



File: 1583279057685.mp4 (2.97 MB,720x1280,Schway Cosplay on TikTok-6….mp4) iqdb



File: 1583279091913.mp4 (2.3 MB,576x1024,makinola on TikTok-662813….mp4) iqdb



File: 1583279117304.mp4 (3.17 MB,720x1280,✧ο½₯゚ -_𝒻𝒢𝑒 _ -ο½₯゚✧ on TikTok….mp4) iqdb



post the birl ones!




whatmin is in heaven with the hebephile app


Why do people watch these videos? My sister does these fortnite dances on tiktok and I cringe from embarrassment every time she shows them to me.


they do it for attention i guess. she/he/it is plastering themselves with makeup and clothing and whoring their videos on any platform looking for likes. theyre not generating content, they copy shit from other sources like love live >>11823 and western cartoons >>11822>>11824 and use it as a cover to show 10-15 seconds of their face trying to look endearing so they they can get more likes and fill whatever hole in is inside of them that keeps screaming for attention. my only regret is that theyve started using japanese media in their pursuit of vanity. hopefully its a trend that will die out


File: 1583299922872.png (394.61 KB,645x600,157586567759.png) iqdb

that was awful op
thanks for making my evening worse




this app is a gold mine for hebephiles


I literally cannot fathom how can you people watch these ultracring wectern whores pretending to be cute for e-fame, it's so lowtier and shit
Get some standards boyos


I watched it before it was cool in the west and it was all Japanese and Korean JKs


I mean if I were to guess it's because feminine girls are a rarity these days.

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