[ what / sjis / test-php ]

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merorin was here, you guys are faggots

also, set up your https you fucking retard


Kill yourself


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HTTPS is set up, it's just using a self signed certificate.

There is absolutely nothing insecure about a self-signed certificate, and some would argue it's more secure, it's just that modern browsers will give a scary warning.

The purpose of HTTPS is still fully functional, I wished everyone used the HTTPS version of /what/ personally, and ignored the self-signed certificate warning.


What does https even do


With normal HTTP, anyone controlling the network between you and a website (i.e. your ISP, or school/work network admin) can plainly see anything sent to and from the website.

So all images, text, etc.

With HTTPS, those parties would only know that you visited the site, and nothing else. Everything sent to and from the website would be encrypted.


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can you post the link to your site?


passwords(and any form data) with http are sent in plain text and someone snooping will be able to see.

SSL uses a lock from the website to encrypt to data so no one but the server can unlock it


I'm not posting anything important here so i only use http




protect your gay funposting from birl in the middle attacks - add an exception for the /what/cert today!


Birls are grotesque and creepy


Are you getting these images from Instagram? There's an entire one dedicated to lain Eva crossover images and the Jewish algorithm always recommends it to me


I don't know what you mean by "these images" but no that specific images is from an imageboard.


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>There is absolutely nothing insecure about a self-signed certificate, and some would argue it's more secure
the point of a validated certificate is to make it harder for malicious ISPs (or other parties between anon and /what/) to replace the cert with theirs and decrypt the connection

consider this scenario:
1. anon types https://what/ into web browser
2. isp sees this and connects to https://what/ first
3. isp pretends they're /what/ and sends anon a different self-signed cert they just generated
4. isp is now connected to both anon and /what/ using "https", can now tunnel traffic between the two connections while reading all of it in plain text

anon never finds out because it shows the same self-signed warning as always

if /what/ used a proper certificate the isp couldn't do this because they can't get a trusted certificate authority to stamp them a valid cert for the domain without at least verifying ownership of it

it still provides some protection against passive snoopers but it is wrong to say it's not any less secure than proper https


Tardmin btfo again

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