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I'm a weak beta with no confidence and my childhood abuse me me retarded and unable to function


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What kind of abuse?

Is it the kind I'm going to be jealous about?


No I was talking about my parents beating me and everyone even my teachers ostracizing and bullying me but yeah I had sex with my older cousin who was a bullying big sister to me as that's fucked me up sexually too and sexually stunted me into being a sub boy forever who doesn't desire normal sex


I would give advice if you weren't shitting up the board with humblebragging, whining and alikes all the time


>but yeah I had sex with my older cousin who was a bullying big sister to me



This sounds hot why should I feel bad


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It's more how she treated me that shaped me. She was also having sex with me in secret and cheating on her boyfriends, grown men in their 30s like doctors and shit who were planning on marrying her. I mean technically they are the ones being cucked since she was cheating on them with me but it hurt me a lot and the way she was to me during sex was like domineering and ordering me and instructing me on what to do to her and how to fuck her, and she was really toxic and controlling.

Basically I wouldn't be a submissive masochist into/ss and would prolly be a normie who had sex and normal relationships and wouldn't even have ever come to a community like this if it didn't happen

But yeah I get the nice cuz I felt like a super Chad who had achieved the ultimate conquest at the time but that's not how it affected me later in life


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can i bully your butt?


No I'm not into anal stuff and I only like when girls bully me




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/what/anon used narrative shift







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Bully mine instead!


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Waiting warmly…


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this is you


That's a little girl you disgusting pedophile creep.



yeah im making up being a boytoy sub basically a cuckold


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sorry, i'm a disgusting mentally deficient NEET, you wouldn't want me to bully you


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i want to snuggle with a cute broken boy and teach him to love himself


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Oh, okay

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