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whatmi ni want to get off the jewish botnet please helpe me install linux and use all the proper browsers media players etc

i am a pseudo norm and lazy so i dont want to do lots of work like linux seems to require


File: 1582096646615.mp4 (391.78 KB,640x352,windows_11.mp4) iqdb

Just install Ubuntu (not LTS) and don't shit it up with any third-party repo packages.

Use KDE with the compositor turned off.


Ok tell me what apps to use. What browser music player video player etc


Firefox or Chromium are the only 2 browsers.

I use mpv as my video player, audio player, and image viewer.

Nautilus as my file manager

Gnome-terminal for my terminal emulator

Gedit and nano as my text editors.

That pretty much sums up the core programs of desktop usage.


is there a chromium that actually installs and updates by itself, i don't want to have to crete and unpack or do all the work myself


Yes, your fucking package manager on any Linux distro, they all have Chromium.


Just use Emacs for everything.


I can't get mpv to build on i386


i can't live anymore


It will only get worse, it's a dead architecture.

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