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File: 1581553176595.png (1.8 MB,1920x1080,2020-02-12-191826_1920x108….png) iqdb


Beautiful, who wouldn't want to live here?

You never see ANYONE walking outside, hell, you can't even tell if the houses are even occupied.


File: 1581553218295.png (2.75 MB,1920x1080,2020-02-12-192005_1920x108….png) iqdb

I wonder if black people live here.


File: 1581554026068.png (2.1 MB,1920x1080,2020-02-12-193216_1920x108….png) iqdb

This isn't so bad I guess.


Just want to point out that all new suburbs look like that, after about 10-20 years they have a lot more personality when people have lived in them.


File: 1581555114801.png (1.94 MB,1920x1080,2020-02-12-195129_1920x108….png) iqdb

Yes these bedroom "communities" get lots of personality over time, of course.


Looks like the setting of a psychological horror film or surreal weirdness.


Hmm, idk, maybe that's an American thing. When new suburbs go up here, they all start out looking the same, but people start planting trees and making gardens and putting down fencing and stuff and even after about 5 years they start looking more like a "lived-in" place.


Oh it could be worse. Place where I lived once got hit by the suburbanization vibe pretty hard. But the natural ground there is sand. So what did they do? They just used gravel everywhere instead of doing the premade grass meme. Some people did switch to grass later on, but it looks very inorganic and soulless. And the properties are more cramped. So it's also vast and cramped at the same time


Would be so much better if it had more, taller trees but I guess suburban people hate greenery outside of lawns.

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