[ what / sjis / test-php ]

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i think you guys are alright and not gay at all


some are really g*y here, to say they are not is an insult


I'm only gay on Fridays and sometimes Thursdays.


all girly boys should be forced into regulation skirts for easy access


Very few people are actually gay. Most of the homos left the board a long time ago..


lonely homos aren't trugay…



just as my frens left the board. coincidence?


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Searching for cute whomos please wait….


I'm glad they're gone


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Does anyone want to #whatch a mobie with me? Or read a frendo PSA? Or get a birthday card this year?

I will do a little some thing, but only if there aren't any bullies around.

Thank you.


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Wear the skirt sissy


I got new medication and I forgot how depressed this one pill makes me. I just want to cry.


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no bullies allowed under the /what/ blanket


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