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The internet virgin meme stops being funny when your realize there's actually males, not MEN, but males who've never had sex, or even talked to a girl.



Did you not have a father


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31 virgin here
my dad is a sperg who became a neet when i was a kid
i lived isolated in the country and when older commuted to an all boys high school

at what point exactly was i supposed to casually interact with girls? like i started driving at 16 which allowed me some freedom but by that point the damage was done

i was involved in a car crash at 18 and became a shut in for years because of ptsd
morphing into a socially mal-adjusted mentally ill freak


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Ironically I'm a nonvirgin except for my butt that's still untouched but I also didn't have parents really.

You come off pretty normal right now in my opinion. But this is just text on a screen.

>all boys high school

Wish that were me…


>my dad is a sperg who became a neet when i was a kid

Your dad managed to have sex and reproduce.

He made it, you can just give up after this you won life.


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level 29 here, my dad is a pretty cool guy and i look up to him, so i don't think there's much to blame on his part.

in my imo, not having had actual sex @ a high age is only as much of a problem as you make it one.
personally, i don't give much of a hoot but maybe that changes with my upcoming birthday



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Grand wizard…


My dad did a lot for me. He taught me a lot of useful things but having the "talk" was not one of them.
I had to figure a lot of things on my own. Getting a girlfriend or sex was learned from porn, classmates, porno magazines, and old friends. I was very ignorant when it came to biology. I think my dad was too busy trying to keep a roof over our heads and get us out of the slums. I admire his hard work ethic but I wished he would have given a bit advice when it came to women. It would have saved me years of awkwardness and embarrassment. Still, I managed to get a girlfriend and become stable but it took a long time.


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> Still, I managed to get a girlfriend and become stable but it took a long time.


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the being cel thing isn't even the worst of it
it's just a pointless wasted life
all the effort my parents put it just for nothing, all that trying to make me a well rounded educated good person with a richness of life and cultural curiosity

to become a worthless dumb working class piece of shit, socially, class wise gone backwards


Just become a daddy for a sissy boy if your educated and part of the working class. Low maintenance way less bitching and cummies on command.


>i was involved in a car crash at 18 and became a shut in for years because of ptsd
morphing into a socially mal-adjusted mentally ill freak
wtf I thought I was the only one


Grosse, I ain't no pedo homo.


>pedo homo
I am an incomparable pedomo!


why the fuck do people care about women.. everywhere you go thats all thats being talked about


Not everyone is a homo or likes trannies


Since you guys will never reproduce and die alone, why not do something else to be remembered by, like create art or music or video games



or murder


creating murder is a funny pairing


Honestly you're not capable of that


I'm working on it..

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