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so today as i was walking back into my building this nerdy white guy was trying to ask out a girl and asked her for her number and then was like oh ill just message you on snapchat i dont wantto bother you and she was like okay bye then he walked away and me and her were walkking to the same bulidinhng and as she wakled in with her friend they both started laughing and saying "oh my god" and just laughing about how awkward and dorky he was, the other girl and her kept cracking up in the elevator like "his heart must have been beating so fast" and they kept laughing at him and how funny he was.

i honestly don't even think he acted that awkward or nervous, i think i come off as way more awk to all people i interact with male or female young or old, and it really made me wonder about the guy, was literally a skinny white kid, not ugly or anything just normal loooking kinda nerdy i guess? like wtf. lesson learned, do not ever ask out a girl or theuy will all laugh at you when youre out of earshot


also the girl was fat and not even a girl i would find attractive like damn, r9k was right


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> lesson learned, do not ever ask out a girl or theuy will all laugh
No. Lesson learnt is that if you ask out someone, at least make sure she looks good and is worthy in the first place. Ugly girls are the worst because they are normal girls yet offer less on the outside
And make yourself awesome in the first place. No use in trying to get a girl who doesn't like you in the state you like yourself the most


dont worry they'll end up as sad obese spinsters


they literally won't, they will just settle for someone below their dreams, like the guy that they laughed at


It's a common scenario.


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I think the girl has low self esteem.
She doesn't feel like she's worth the time so is insulting the guy for trying.

Most girls or boys would be flattered but this person sees romantic advances as an insult because of a mental barrier she's put up


Girls get hit on all the time you dumb moid. So they have an infinite supply of dopamine. So an ugly guy hitting on them is kind of insulting, that he would think he was worthy or has a chance.


That's not true. The world is getting autistic as every and social isolation is at an all time high for everyone


the /whota/sphere prefers the term "boid".


Keep telling yourself that loser. Minorites will take your women


Fat,ugly girls still get hit on. A lot. Men will fuck whatever women they can get. Fat girls are even fetishize by "chubby chasers", men who really fixate on fat women. Also Black men love fat,ugly, average looking women.

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