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can't believe Bernie is getting his shot


Shot at what? They literally stole the first primary from him it will be even easier for them to fuck him over in the rest. All you commie cucks will do is cry about it on social media then accept four more years of trump.

Commie cucks irrevocably btfo


dnc wanted clinton, but the hacks have lost control after the disaster it was. sanders is a runaway train like trump, but actually has a bit of class to him. not really communist either but against all the deregulation that's letting status quo suppress the truth.


He can't win


Also I meant the Iowa primary just now not Hillary, they're cuckolding him again


They basically tied for first. And DNC wants Biden not a literally who mayor


Kill yourself you literal retard fuckwad. I hope you get shot in the neck


bro WTF


LITERALLY WHO??????????????????????????????????????????????????



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